Simply put, when a married person gets married again before ending the earlier marriage, it is known as Bigamy. It is the easiest way to be found guilty and sentenced to up to 5 years imprisonment.
Does this apply to every married person?
If you went for a monogamous (‘one man, one woman’) marriage such as the church marriage, then this applies to you. However, if you went for a polygamous marriage, it may not apply to you since this marriage allows to have more than one wife (if you are the man).
However, this does not mean that you can go into a monogamous marriage (like a civil or church marriage) with someone else because the two marriages cannot co-exist.
If you refuse to listen and go through with it, the law says you can be arrested and prosecuted for getting married while you have another marriage existing (This is offence is called bigamy for the married person) therefore it is illegal until the civil or church marriage is dissolved by court that is until court grants divorce.
📷: Her World Singapore
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