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Six Factors that Make Many Governments (Regimes) to Survive in this World - By Osuta Yusuf.

9th March 2023.

Greetings everyone within and outside Africa.

I would wish to take this opportunity to elaborately bring to the attention of everyone about political ploys many regimes tend to play in many countries to ruthlessly rule their citizens.

These six factors i have keenly observed and analyzed play crucial political decoys for “politicians of hoax and propaganda”.

1. Misinformation.

Many regimes use misinformation to conceal pertinent intriguing issues from being debated and decision resolved on by the citizens.

2. Disinformation.

They tend to mostly bring disinformation to divert citizens from analyzing contentious issues that arose in the government.

They often do that under the pretext of bringing out verified information.

3. Fictions.

The noun “fiction” has been and still continues to be a powerful tool not only for national politicians but also regional, district and village politicians.

The noun has become so sweet for them to the extent, they have rebranded it “Manifesto”.

It’s through these manifestos where the politicians list long pledges as manifestos to hoodwink the people and burry their brains from reasoning.

The politicians of hoax and propaganda have made it very difficult for the voters in their Counties and Countries most of whom 70% are illiterate, to internalize and differentiate between “Facts” and “Fictions”.

They paint a picture of unrealistic hope for the uneducated, illiterate and poor voters they rule.

It’s therefore these unrealistic hopes, manifestos that keep the ordinary people enslaved from reasoning and coming back into their senses.

4. Divide and Rule Policy.

Here, they create unnecessary rebel wars, religious conflicts and tribal clashes to keep the citizens busy with the conflicts / wars so that they don’t focus on issues that matter.

5. Money.

The aspect of money is where Bribery definitely comes in when politicians of hoax and fictions fail to rule section of some citizens using factor number 1, 2 and 3.

Under this section, is usually informed but poor / struggling people.

They first test you like a cat teasing a rat before it lands into its trap.

The moment they prove the poverty level and lust for money in this section of people, they throw in money related projects but with strings and conditions attached to, being loyal to such regimes and politicians.

6. Threats / Intimidations / Arrest / Tortures.

This sixth method often applies to dissidents, opponents, elites and activists who are financially better and can’t be trapped by method number 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Threats, arrests, intimidations and tortures by any regime around the world is factored by their critics resistance to be subdued by the first four factors i mentioned above.

Historically, any politician or regime around the world that resorts to factor number “5” is in its sick bed with numbered days to rule the people.

These are the main reasons why many countries (regimes) continue to create schemes after schemes depending on the political environment to 

Point in reference to this, is the photo attached here.


NB; These are my views and opinions alone.

They are not in anyway affiliated with or in the interest of any politician or any foreign entity or any political party or any individual or any organization i may have links and communications with.

Yours, Osuta Yusuf.


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