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Hon Feta Geofrey; Happy 36th NRM day celebration's, Congratulations to H. E, Gen. YKT, Museveni, the revolutionary party chairman.

Without doubt the NRM political party is a mass party standing on four pillars of Patriotism, Democracy, Pan-Africanism and social economic transformation.

As we celebrate this day, we should do so while evaluating the gains we have achieved along the way in terms of each of the four pillars of the NRM political party.

a) Patriotism

b) Democracy

c) Pan-Africanism

d) Social Economic transformation.

The first three pillars have universally been achieved across-the-board equally in my view, however the Social Economic transformation of some parts of the country are not evenly on the same page due to various factor's like such as the the mindset of the people and thier leaders, access to relevant education, access to job opportunities bat appreciate times, equity in job distributions, socal and economic infrastructure, lack of proper Political accountability of the leaders we elect to lead us and thier will to address the known issues affecting us, civil wars and other forms of insecurity like raids of animals in karamoja.

Looking at the repeated poverty Index data released by UBOS in the recent years, though there is considerable improvement in household incomes in urban areas like town's, municipalities and cities particularly, the rural areas remain predominantly poor with low household incomes and absence of particular regular household income earners most of the homes.

The NRM government with the able leadership of the party chairman HE. Gen. YKT Museveni has introduced many different poverty reduction projects and programs in a bid to alliviate poverty amongst citizens of the country and surely West Nile as a sub region benefited from these programs, Etandikwa, Bonabagagawale (prosperity for all), cattle restocking, Youth loans, Naads, Women group projects that had various impact's but didn't address the problem of household incomes and abject poverty.

The introduction of all the above programs and projects was with good intentions, but in my view the problem was with implementation, either the usual lei sier fair approach, mindset, corruption, delibarate sabotage, sustainability and lack of successor projects and programs, poor implementation and so on.  

At this stage I wish to opine that sabotors deliberately brought Naads program to abrupt end yet it was one of the kind of the NRM Government programs that had trickle down effort on the last citizen in this country, the design and implementation of Naads then, that had program management at sub county Level with technical staff at every sub county, with the presence of Farmer forums, procurement committee's constituted and mainly headed by farmers leaders elected amongst them selves had impact in every village and parish in this country, there was involvement of various stakeholders at all levels, Farmers had opportunity to participate in enterprise selection based on thier experience, technical guidance, prospects and opportunities.

Naads program gave rise to suppliers at parish level for different enterprises, animals like(piggery, goats, cows, chicken) seed's, inputs &implements there was real value for money and this was changing life's of quite many people in different parishes and sub counties, that time we had about 2200 sub counties and 7760 parishes, each of these had a supplier if a particular enterprise, this mass involvement led to money in many hand's hence "prosperity for all".

Naads created both direct and indirect jobs to thousands and millions of citizens, how it was substituted to other programs is still a nightmare to me, having seen the level of engagement it created for citizens at different levels.

As we celebrate the 36th NRM day, as we acknowledge the great leadership of HE. Gen. YKT Museveni to this beautiful nation Uganda our mother Land it's important we emphasis the way forward on poverty alliviation particularly in West Nile sub region where low household incomes, Youth unemployment, poor infrastructure especially the roads are still a big challenge to all of us.

Going forward, The PDM, Parish Development Model, where Government is once again going to take money more closure to the people with entire decision making mechanism of enterprise selection, procurement decisions, implementation strategy, supervision, successful implementation will be determined by the people once again in all the nearly 10,600 parishes, every parish with 100million shillings is a great opportunity to change the household income of our people if we choose to implement it religiously without lesser fair approach, corruption, complecency, sabotage, the success and sustainability of this program will depend on various factor's like sensitization and awareness creation in our people, mindset of the people, dedicated and honest leadership, delibarate involvement of all stakeholders.

It's my prayers that this Government program (PDM) Parish Development Model, will go a long way in addressing some of the chronic problems of our society during our time such as Youth unemployment, Low household income and uneven distribution of resources.

As we celebrate peace and stability, relative unity, improvement in infrastructural development, Increased access to education, improved quality of life, increased income per Capita, stable democracy look forward to continued partnership with NRM political party in addressing the concern's and issues affecting my Constituency of Ayivu East, West Nile and Uganda my motherland. 

#Long live HE. Gen. #YKT #Museveni.

#Long live #NRM my political party.

#Long live Uganda my motherland.

#FETA GEOFREY, MP #Ayivu #East Constituency, ARUA City. — with Osman Draga, Osuta Yusuf  and 6 others in Ayivu, Arua, Uganda.

Source; Copied from Facebook.


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