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Dilemma: The Story of a Poor 16-Year-Old School Girl Chased Out of Home for Refusing to Marry.

  📸: Inzikuru Gertrude During the Interview with Information is Power, on Saturday 13-5-2023.

As the 21st Century has come up with wind of change and freedom for girls in Uganda and the African society, it has remained as a nightmare for Inzikuru Gertrude and many other young girls in WestNile region and Uganda whose stories go untold.

Gertrude Inzikuru aged 16 years old, born to Mrs Janet Ovuru and Mr Lema Kasto from Okuyi village, Mite parish, Adumi Sub-county, Ayivu Division in Arua City has been chased out of home by her parents for refusing to get married.

She narrated her painful ordeal during an exclusive interview with this online publication team on Saturday 11am 13-5-2023 when she had gone to attend three days Youth's conference that started on Friday 12-May-2023 and ended on Sunday 14-5-2023 at Okufura Secondary school in Vurra Sub-county, Arua District.

Gertrude stressed that, at one point she thought of suicide as solution to her problem because everyone she approached for help / counseling didn't help.

The religious leaders in the church where i am also a choir leader, urged me to continue praying to God for change of relief in my life, she added.

Inzikuru who is currently a P.7 candidate at Oku primary school in Ayivu Division, is not only a victim of cultural bullying for refusing to marry but she also faces extreme harassment from her paternal uncle called Mr Patoro Stephen, whom she said is a drug addict and he would harass her anytime when she refuses to go and buy alcohol and cigarettes for him. 

She said, when the harassment from her uncle became unbearable to the extend he calls her to go and buy for him alcohol, cigarettes in the middle of the night, she tried to share the issue with her father Mr Lema Kasto to she if her situation can be saved bit her father remained adamant about it.

Not her paternal uncle alone, Ms Gertrude said, her own father Mr Lema equally harassed her when she advised him about the effects of smoking cigarettes.

"Father, in school, teachers told us, passive smokers are the most endangered. I would kindly beg you not to smoke because of its health risks or smoke at a distance when you aren't together with us as the family members", She advised her father.

In response, her father in a high tone voice said, "Who are you to advise me?".

She added that, despite of all these she passes through daily, she was eventually forced out of their home for being against the wishes of her mother, her father and her paternal uncle.

Ms Inzikuru whose dream job is to become a Nurse, has  decried the mistreatment she is going through in their family and doubts if she will achieve her dreams.

She has  asked government to intervene in rescuing many other ladies like her who are suffering silently in various villages due to cultural myth associated with maturity of ladies.

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