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We Brought Peace into this Country By Guns in 1986 and We Do Things The Way We Want - Security Minister Elly Tumwine Before Parliamentary Committee On Rules, Privileges and Discipline.Exactly, these are the Things that Happen when We Have Peace at Gun.

I have one eye, says Gen Tumwine as MPs grill him.

Security minister Gen Elly Tumwine Thursday appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Rules, Discipline and Privileges investigating his alleged assault of Dokolo Woman MP, Cecilia Ogwal.
“I have one eye, what was it for?” a disturbed Tumwine who lost his eye during the NRA bush war told MPs.
He said anybody talking about NRA generals’ sacrifices as accusations should withdraw it, “many of our struggles to bring democracy and enjoy this peace is not something you don’t want to hear, whether you like it or not it’s a fact”.
“Am I accused of saying that we have sacrificed for this democracy? Am I accused of saying that our sacrifice has brought this atmosphere? Anybody who talks about our sacrifice as an accusation should withdraw it.”
Tumwine said he was very disappointed and felt it was mob justice, where people talk about somebody when he is there and not given an opportunity to say something.
“But I am happy that I have been given that opportunity today.”
Tumwine said it’s not simple to allege, make outrageous statements about an honourable member nor the people of Uganda.
“All that was said by Katushabe against me requires that I get sufficient evidence so that I can respond. I need to know the allegations made against me so that I can respond.”
He went on: “Anybody who talks about our sacrifices as an accusation should withdraw it. Many of our colleagues who died, our efforts to bring peace aren’t something you don’t want to hear about. It’s a fact.”
The General said one of the greatest virtues and values of Parliament is to agree to disagree.
“If you don’t like the sacrifice we made [in the bush] and feel so bad, what shall our children do then? Give hope, not pessimism. If you don’t like it when I talk about the sacrifices, first ask if is it true or not, we cannot keep away from the truth. How will our children know these things.”
The General said when he looks at the allegations which he is supposed to respond to, first there is a question of utterances of demeaning parliament.
“How can I demean my parliament? There is no body who loves this parliament more than me.”
MPs respond
Bugweri county MP Abdu Katuntu said what General Tumwine could be entitled to is the evidence Atkins Katushabe gave in the committee.
“I request that the chairman allows his secretariat to give that evidence to him.”
“When we bring democracy we fight and we sacrifice it is something known to everybody and it should not be a song whenever we go, bringing democracy does not give us leeway in any way to use it as a tool to infringe on others,” pointed out George Abbot Ouma, MP, Bukooli islands.
Committee chair Kenneth Obote said they will review the CCTV footage because this committee has two weeks to report to parliament.
“The question of the allegations has come up more than once, this is your opportunity to clarify what happened.”
Obote said the allegations as laid out by Atkins Katushabe are very clear and straight forward.
“I don’t believe we have more time to go over these. General Elly Tumwine just needs to tell us what happened in his office.”
He added: “It’s not up to this committee to handle hypothetical questions. If there is any such evidence, whoever alleges that it’s there should bring it forward. The question at the moment is that whatever is alleged is answered".


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