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Part 1 By Osuta Yusuf.
NB: Before you start Reading articles Published on Our Online Publication Websites, You should Keep in Mind that, i am an OPPOSITION and all my Phrases Written then Published are my Opinions and Write Up!
They are not in anyway affiliated with, or in the Interests of Individuals , Groups, Any Government, Institutions or Any Foreign Organisation i may have Connections With.
Yours, Proud Lugbara Osuta Yusuf a Career Politician, ICT, Barrister, Student For Life and Talented In Technology.
Read the Story below here ....
Follow Ugandans, Africans and Whole World, Greetings.
During this Particular Time, i am to Write an Insight, Analysis and My Opinions / Reactions on the Current Wave of Events involving Koboko Municipality MP Hon Anite Who also Doubles as Minister For Investment and Privatization.
First and Foremost, i pledge to woo your attentions on Genesis of all these Brawl amidst Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL) Company, Minister Anite and the some of the Mafias in the Government.
Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL) had 2 CEOs; 1. Former Libyan President Gaddafi and 2. Ugandan Government, Out of Which the Government of Libya had about 70% Share.
The Telecom Company was One of the Top Leading Telecom Companies in Uganda, which still has its LandLine Simcards been used in all the Offices of Government and NGOs / Companies in Uganda been subjected to use it for their Communication stuff.
Collapse of UTL Company started when the then Vast Share Holder Gaddafi was Gunned down in 2011.
Some of the Mafias in Uganda Government just immediately begun stealing the Funds and Assets of this Company.
Though the Other CEO (Libyan Government) was deflected on the Way, Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL) was and still remains a Company of Uganda Government.
The Company was on its Knees Craving to the Grave, up to the Extent that, Unpaid TAX Accumulated on UTL Over Shillings 1 Billion.
Along 2014 and 2015, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Threatened to Revoke the Operating License of the Company for Failure to Meet its TAX Obligations and it was Until President Museveni intervened and stated before the Committee that, "Revoking the Operating License of UTL, is like Dancing on a Graveyard of a Beloved Fallen Friend".
Revoking of the License remained futile until the Telecom Company commenced gaining its Powers after Hon Anite was appointed as the Minister For Privatization and Investment, Rendering Her more Powers to reinstate the Ailing Telecom Company.
Last year 2018, President Museveni gave his Lawyers to Represent UTL / Anite in a Lawsuit that Displayed and Exposed some of the Roots of the Thieves been Depleted in a High Court Judgement Verdict Delivered last year July 2018.
The Fracas involving UTL much bursted this year when President Museveni Directed Minister Anite to institute an Independent Audit into UTL Company.
President Museveni's Directive for Audit through Hon Anite, arose a Brawl of Arrogance, Undermining and Rigidity from Attorney General Rukutana and Secretary to the Treasury Hon Keith Muhakanizi, who not only Undermined Minister Anite Evelyn but they also went ahead to Threatening the Life of this Young Female Member of Parliament for Koboko Municipality, Hon Minister Anite Evelyn.
Before the Threats from these Bully Buffoons, they had initially insisted that, an Independent Audit not be conducted on to UTL until a Pending Court Judgement over the Trio is Delivered.
Opposite to the Expectations of the MAFIAS on the Pending Court Case, the High Court Quashed their Lawsuit, validating Freedom for Minister Anite to Continue with an Independent Audit into the Assets of Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL)
Read the Judgement in the Link below here 
These Few are my Insight, Analysis on the SAGA meanwhile i penetrate my Opinion and Reactions from below here.... 
I am here by Seeking Once again to start with some of these Seeming BIAS Media Coverage in Uganda over the Fate of Hon Anite.
1. On 21 August 2019, Red Pepper Uganda, ran a HeadLine titled "MINISTER ANITE NUDES EXCITE NATION".
From my Point of View and in the Line of Duty and Professionalism, this HeadLine by Red Pepper Aims not Only to Tarnish and Damage the Reputation of Hon Minister Anite but this HeadLine is also intended to Portray Government and Uganda in Bad Light.
What the Hell do Red Pepper Publication think, Releasing Nude Pictures can Justify and Crush a Noble Cause!
Nude Picture Threats are  just mere Diversionary to Hijack the Attention of Ugandans and Whole World from keeping Keen interest and attention on the ROT and the MAFIAS Hon Minister Anite is fighting.
These Political Lepers are using some of these Media Houses to Bias the Missions of Hon Anite, after monitoring that she is ascribed to her Quality of Caution which Regulates her Life and Ever Prompted Her to Weigh all the Circumstances of a Case before taking action there on.
Hon Minister Anite Prefers as a General Rule, to " Hasten Slowly" to weigh well all the Circumstances to Keep Our Country Free and Clean as long as Possible and to act only in the Light of the Fullest Knowledge she could Gather.
Such a Course, Hon Evelyn Observed, often saves Her and Our Country from a Disastrous Consequence of Hasty and ill-considered actions, for an instance, these current Ugly Trending Corruption Syndicates.
Hon Minister, is a Firm Believer in the Efficacy of TIME as a Solvent of many Difficulties which beset Our Country Uganda.
The Many MAFIAS and THIEVES, which Hon Minister is fighter, are fully bully morons who have No Moral, Social and Political Ethics in Regards to Accountability, Rule of Law and Development.
To be Continued....
Stay Tuned here  for the next coming "PART 2" Article about this Same STORY.


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