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Besigye has paid a steep price. We just have not done our part. Given that we are at war, all opposition must stop infighting. You all know what to do. Do not go and run into bullets. Stay home and shut down the economy. In January when Cameroon dictator Paul Biya commanded his troops to shoot down opposition, opposition did something Ugandans must learn. Everyone in Anglophone region stayed home. The goons showed up and all businesses and schools were closed. Bamunda became a ghost city. All the lawyers, teachers, judges, taxi drivers, food sellers and doctors stayed home. All food vendors did not go out. The goons showed up and all restaurants and market vendors were missing. University kids had been brutalized with many being killed or raped. Biya shut down the Internet for 10 months. There was no communication to the world. If you go to my Youtube channel, I was still getting videos from Bamunda and sharing them. Biya is now negotiating with Anglophone opposition. The 10 months of ...


All Ugandans are requested to avoid all government function this month to show our grievances upon what happened in Parliament against the opposition Members of 10th Parliament No body should attend the 1-  *Women forum 6th October hosted by Rt. Hon. Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga* 2- *Kampala Carnival Festival* Host by ED Jennifer Musisi 3- *National Prayer Breakfast 8th October* hosted Rt. Hon. Speaker Rebecca Kadaga. 3- *Independence day celebration 9th October*  hosted by The dictator Yoweri Museveni. *So let them put there Army, Police, Military Police and SFC to attend their functions*. Let's also wait to see any company that sponsors these events will be a reject to us. You can even make voice recording of this some information but make sure it runs faster


In India, if a elected political leader is convicted of corruption then he or she is not eligible to contest elections for 10 years. And they will be imprisoned. Forget contesting elections they won’t get VIP treatment in prison. They will be placed in common jail. Plus they have to pay a very hefty Fine. Failing to pay fine will get them additional sentence. 

BREAKING NEWS. Betty Kamia admitted sneaking out the gun of state minister for water Ronald Kibuule.

Kampala minister, Beti Olive Kamya reportedly agreed to sneak out a gun that had been carried into the chambers by Ronald Kibuule, the minister of state for Water. This followed concerns raised by opposition MPs that Kibuule has brought a gun into the chambers during a session on Tuesday September 26. This, they argued, endangered not only the Speaker Rebecca Kadaga but also other members. Sources within parliament told The Nile Post that Kibuule was able to pass on the gun to Beti Kamya, who was seated next to him. According to those who have viewed the video footage from the chambers, Kamya put the gun in her hand bag and walked out. When Kibuule was sure that the gun had been smuggled out, he stood up and removed his jacket. Sources told us that after Kadaga viewed the footage, she decided to suspend Kibuule alongside 24 other legislators for orchestrating chaos in the House.

SHALLOW ABIRIGA AND HIS RECENT PENIS IRRIGATION. For a few hundred days ago, after the swearing in of this embattled Arua municipality scape goat #Abiriga, he started coming into newz headlines and worst enough he was making news of himself through exhibiting ignorance. 1.The first ignorance, that hit him into the spotlight was his yellowish dressing code of worshiping murderer museveni. He painted his car yellow, his smelling booty yellow, his bath room + toilet painted yellow, his 6×6 bed for committing adultery and raping single and suffering ladies!, painted yellow. 2.He attained his second fame into the limelight, when he uttered an mediocrity statement that, "Museveni is a prophet! And he must be endorsed life president". I wonder who was supplying Abiriga with opium or let his supplier advise him to dry the opium first before smoking. 3.The third was his "Dream come true", support for museveni life presidency tenure. This will exile him and his other fellow NRM dimwit MPs. Count my words #Abirigaa. 4.He came onto the news headline for the fourth time, when he impregnated a poor and suffering young lady!, and he denied having sex with this lady. A few days after his denial, he admitted that, though he did not have sex with this lady, he will still help this lady financially. He made this statement due to public criticism. Am betting what was the magic attracting young ladies behind this brain irritated ABIRIGA. 5.His other insane action that put has put him in the headlines, is his "PENIS IRRIGATION". just like his god museveni has started for him, he thinks "bottle irrigation" is not speedy enough to archieve their pipe dream "income class by 2020", he integrated it to "Penis irrigation". He is again in the media admitting doing this. Not like a new case, he has been summoned to court for "penis irrigation". This is just again another hypocrite case to waste tax payers. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY. A person or group of persons who commit an act that causes environmental degradation or otherwise, commits a crime. And the crime is stated in the law as, "Public nuisance"! And the person found guilty, is liable for conviction of not more than 12 months. But in most cases, offenders are referred to do a community work for only 6months or less. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Come prosecute me for my words #Tumbafu. #Osuta_Yusuf a career politician / lawyer.

For a few hundred days ago, after the swearing in of this embattled Arua municipality scape goat #Abiriga, he started coming into newz headlines and worst enough he was making news of himself through exhibiting ignorance. 1.The first ignorance, that hit him into the spotlight was his yellowish dressing code of worshiping murderer museveni. He painted his car yellow, his smelling booty yellow, his bath room + toilet painted yellow, his 6×6 bed for committing adultery and raping single and suffering ladies!, painted yellow. 2.He attained his second fame into the limelight, when he uttered an mediocrity statement that, "Museveni is a prophet! And he must be endorsed life president". I wonder who was supplying Abiriga with opium or let his supplier advise him to dry the opium first before smoking. 3.The third was his "Dream come true", support for museveni life presidency tenure. This will exile him and his other fellow NRM dimwit MPs. Count my words #Abirigaa. 4.He...

WARNING TO MUSEVENI SECURITY OPERATIVES. [ Am writing this in regards to the daily arrest and shooting of regular Ugandans. The people of Uganda are now informed and awake to defend themselves in what ever come may. You might think that am gonna be arrested for calling a spade a spade, yes i know! My name is in the target list to be arrested then tortured. But hey, you too is not yet free if we are not yet free]. Here we Go

To the sfc, army, police, prison, judiciary as well and to all those involved in prolonging dictatorship in Uganda. We are your fellow Ugandans all fighting for democracy, freedom, jobs, better life, and we are all struggling to survive in Uganda. We the people are calling on you to change your tactics of killing us. Your family members are very much known and don't put them in danger of a determined society fighting for freedom. You are not any better off than the very people who are fighting for your freedom to. You are much suffering but why are you determined to suffer so that Natasha can live a better life? You are  sacrificing your own very children's features so that Museveni's grandchildren can be better than your own freshen blood? Animals fight and protect their young ones and you will never see another animal protecting another animals offsprings while living it's own die of hunger. What's wrong with you?  We need to change the direction and stop being ...

"WE SPEAK FOR THE NATION" group on whatsapp has just shared a missile. [Click on this link to join ]. AGE LIMIT HAS BECOME THE AGE LIMIT.

"As the MPs consider scraping off the upper age limit for one to qualify to be the President of Uganda, let them also scrap off the lower age limit of 35 years so that we can have youthful Presidents. Is that not discrimination against young people who form the majority of  our population (65%)? What about the legal age of consent and adulthood of 18? Let them also scrap it off so that the law on defilement is also scrapped off. Can't MPs also consider that as descrimanation against the rights of those who want to marry or get married before 18 years of age? Let MPs also consider scraping the law on Child labour so that children who want to be employed can get jobs before 18 years. Is it not also descrimanation against those who want gainful employment before the age of 18?. Let the MPs also remove the age limit of retirement at 60 years age for one who wants to continue to serve in public service beyond 60 years to do so possibly until death. That wilI enable government t...

GOVERNMENT OF THE DEAD, FOR THE LIVING. A government that murders over 30 women and blames ILLUMINATI.

THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR MURDERING INNOCENT YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN MUST STOP NOW. Why should a normal human being kill another human being? Is this government not killing us enough that we resort to helping this regime do what it does best by killing ourselves? Those young women are innocent and they never participated in keeping Museveni in power and why kill them?  We know the people that are responsible for our suffering like Anite, Abiriga, Semeo Nyanzi, Nabanja, Anifa Kawooya, Magyezi, Olega, Lubwama and many NRM members of parliament and these are the people that should face such actions not our own people. We are dying in accidents, being killed by Kayihura's police, by military police and we are giving them a helping hand by killing our own. Let us turn our anger and frustrations to people who are helping Museveni to stay in power and we should go after their families.  If we did this, you will hear a quick response from the government because we will get its attention. ...

EXCLUSIVE. HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF HOW MANY PEOPLE MUSEVENI HAS USED AND DISCARDED LIKE A USED CONDOM. This one is also a long article and if you are lazy in reading, just back off from me! Because i post for readers, readers only.

Gullible Ugandans are up in arms over the recent remarks that were made by a Minister, Evelyn Anitte to the effect that the Museveni regime derives its strength from the army. She said; ".... we don't go looking for support. We are the party in government. We have the support of the Magye (army)." This was following a threat by some Members of parliament to block the regime's scheme to remove the constitutional age limit that would allow Museveni to rule Uganda till he dies. The army has come out to disassociate itself from Hon. Anitte's statement. Through its Spokesman, the army has said; ".... the UPDF has established structures and then MPs through whom it can make its views known when necessary. The UPDF shall always remain non-partisan as per the Constitution." In January 2013 amidst the heated parliamentary debates over Museveni's secretive oil sector, the then Minister of Defence, Cryspus Kiyonga threatened that the army would take over in ca...

EXCLUSIVE. HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF HOW MANY PEOPLE MUSEVENI HAS USED AND DISCARDED LIKE A USED CONDOM. This one is also a long article and if you are lazy in reading, just back off from me! Because i post for readers, readers only.

Gullible Ugandans are up in arms over the recent remarks that were made by a Minister, Evelyn Anitte to the effect that the Museveni regime derives its strength from the army. She said; ".... we don't go looking for support. We are the party in government. We have the support of the Magye (army)." This was following a threat by some Members of parliament to block the regime's scheme to remove the constitutional age limit that would allow Museveni to rule Uganda till he dies. The army has come out to disassociate itself from Hon. Anitte's statement. Through its Spokesman, the army has said; ".... the UPDF has established structures and then MPs through whom it can make its views known when necessary. The UPDF shall always remain non-partisan as per the Constitution." In January 2013 amidst the heated parliamentary debates over Museveni's secretive oil sector, the then Minister of Defence, Cryspus Kiyonga threatened that the army would take over in ca...


The postmortem result of the suspect who died in police custody at Kijomoro sub-county headquarter in maracha district, showed that, the suspect was tortured. Surprisingly, all the police officers at Kijomoro sub county  headquarters are no where to be seen. They ran away. Relatives of the deceased are people from ALIBA sub-county in AYIVU county, ARUA district. However, the relatives of the deceased suspect have commanded that, they only want the body to be taken for burial, by the police officers who were there on duty in that day and night of the tragedy. Guess what is gonna happen with the officers if they risk to take the body for burial. ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                    MY MESSAGE TO MY FELLOW LUGBARA MEN AND WOMEN;  Let us unite to pressure the Government, in a must case to compensate the relatives of this murdered suspect And those police offi...


A suspect who was accused of stealing a phone, died in police detention facility in the sub-county Headquarter of Kijomoro in Maracha district. Police alleged that, the suspect committed suicide during the night of their detention in police custody. The deceased, whose details is not known clear yet, was arrested together with his friend called EGOO from ARODRI in Poo village Lamila parish, on Sunday 17 September 2017 by the police on allegations that they both conspired to steal a phone from a local phone technician at OKOKORO trading center, who reported them to police. Due to threat and torture in police detention room, the other suspect EGOO from ARODRI, fearfully confessed that he put the stolen phone in their House!!! When the police officer escorted him to go and pick the phone from their home, EGOO entered into the house and delayed for about 10 minutes while the officer was waiting him at the door. he surprisingly came out minus the phone. He was then taken back to spend th...


*THE FIGTH AGAINST AGE LIMIT LIFTING Prt 3* Thursday 21 sept 2017 8:00am PEACFUL MARCHING TO PARLAIMENT 1. Meeting point : kla road / mutaasa Kafeero 2. Togikwatako / Toginyonyogela shirts wil b distributed 3. Th agenda wil b discussed 4. Proceeding to parliament as a whole *Expectations* a. Tear gas / pink water cans b. Arrests c. Kiboko squad *What to come with* a. National ID b. Water bottle c. Small quick shoes 4 easy running jst in case. *Sembatya Richard chairperson* - *KEEP AGE LIMIT IN CONSTITUTION* = *KALIC* Kampala district. One Uganda One People


Don't shoot the messenger!!! The International Weed Community would like to disassociate it's weed from what people think Anite smoked. The IWC clarifies to the Public that the Weed, when consumed in all the following forms - smoked, chewed, boiled, pasted, pounded, sniffed, etc leaves the consumer (weedee) EXTRA INTELLIGENT. The IWC therefore insists whatever Anite had consumed was not weed but somethings with brownish color with many zeros and only Legally Tendered. Also has Ape-like features ....usually bulk transported with Armed escorts in Air-tight huge metallic aka Armoured Vehicles... CC: IWC - international Weed Community WWA -World Weed Association. RWA - Regional Weed Association LWFS - Local Weed Farmers SACCO.

UCC TO ARREST SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVISTS OVER AGE LIMIT FRACUS. The government through UCC, is set to arrest all the opposition protesters. Wait, did you know that these people of UGANDA COMMUNICATION COMMISSION are bunch of hypocrites. Do even know how to hack an internet account. These people of UCC are just a malwa joint group.

As bitter exchanges between Ugandans supporting the removal of presidential age limit from the constitution and those opposed to it continue across the country, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has in a statement issued a stern warning that those using hate speech and promoting sectarianism among other offences will be dealt with by law. In a statement authored yesterday UCC says that despite the benefits electronic and social media has brought, some people have used it to violate the UCC Act that governs the communication platforms in the country, which according to the statement is not called for. UCC’s statement follows calls from opposition politicians in the country urging their supporters to use any means-physical or otherwise to “defend the constitution” by not allowing the removal of presidential age limit of 75 years above which no one can contest to be president of Uganda. The opposing sides have taken the battle to the social media, each calling ...


THIS IS A PROVERB FROM THE BIBLE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTIC. Which says, "The prayer of a sinner is death".


How could anyone know ever the sweet dreams i dreamed as a youth, could brought someone focus and grow, until now they turn as a truth. A truth filled with blessing and wonder, a truth filled with love and caring, a truth with voice and understanding, a truth with a message worth sharing. For you, my love filled all my dreams. Over a life, i thought never could be, now with you by my side, i am contented for my dreaming came true. I never gave up all my dreaming, i persisted because i just knew await for real love is worth waiting. Now with you by my side, my dream has come true. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.


Why should dictator Museveni complain that the land owners are asking too way much to compensate them for their land??? Land owner are also serving their financial interests as Museveni said he is not serving anybody but his family and political interests. NEVER TRUST DICTATOR MUSEVENI. Reject museveni land grabbing tactics.

Today, i am taking you to have a tour inthat forgotten part of Uganda called WESTNILE. Mr museveni has a natural hatred for the people of westnile! Look, during the campaign trail of 2015, he said the people therw in westnile are "ANYANYAS", i have no idea to how many languages his statement "ANYANYAS" translate into. Let's leave this one there. Coming to the topic of discussion. WHAT IS TAX HOLIDAY?

Tax holiday is when someone borrows money from the government, on condition that the borrower will operate his or her investment / business without being taxed in the duration period they signed on the agreement of that money borrowed. In that agreement, if the person who borrowed the money agreed to pay back the money in a duration of 5 years, then the person will import or export his or her goods  in a duration of also 5 years without being taxed. MY QUESTION IS; What qualifies someone to apply for "Tax holiday" program?. Absolutely, it is your interest or that little capital you have. How many people there in westnile have benefited in this tax holiday scheme?. Are those people there in westnile don't have interest or money to apply for it?. In most cases, those people in this regime sqoop these opportunities to benefit their people. Are those people there in westnile not human beings?????????????. PLEASE MY FELLOW PEOPLE THERE IN WESTNILE, UNIT TO RISE UP AND C...


We shut on a round table to discuss why Mr Museveni does not want to leave statehouse (Presidency), yet majority of the Ugandans are tired of him. One of the things we found was 'Fear'. Museveni thinks once he steps out of the presidency, people will revenge to him or he will be prosecuted for some other crimes he committed while he was on power since the current law bars incumbent President from being prosecuted. So, regardless of our political  party affiliations, we have formed a coalition dubbed  "SAVE UGANDAN PRESIDENTS, THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR ETHNICITY AND THEIR TRIBES FROM HEART OF REVENGE. REMOVE LAWS THAT HUMAN BEINGS USE FOR KILLING AND PAYING BACK". We have petitions which we need each one of you, Ugandans in diaspora and abroad to sign. This move will accord peaceful transition of power in Ugandan history. This coalition is violence free, no teargas and riots. The rage will not only save MUSEVENI or OPPOSITION, but it will also save all the incoming  ...


DUTIES OF A GOOD CITIZEN. People are always saying things like, “...government should do this for us, government should do that for us...” “...govermenti etuyambe…” These people are always talking about what the government should be doing for them but have they ever asked themselves what they should be doing for their country? Have they ever riyalle wondered? As a citizen of Uganda one is entitled to a number of freedoms and privilegdes well as much as this is guaranteed a citizen to has a number of duties and responsibilities to which include the responsibility to ; Acquainting oneself with the constitution and the defending efforts to uphold the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Promote rule of law and democracy. Engage in economic activities that guarantee development of the country. Promote safe parenthood and protection of children rights. Promote national unity and harmony in living with others. These are duties reflected in part 29...


NOT ALL, BUT SOME MPs IN THE TENTH PARLIAMENT USE FORGED PAPERS. THE LAW HAS BECOME TOOTHLESS SINCE JANET MUSEVENI THE EDUCATION MINISTER ISN'T A GENUINE GRADUATE FROM MAKERERE UNIVERSITY!, SO WHY NOT A LEHMAN FORGE ONE. .......................................…………………………………………………………………………… USING ANOTHER PERSON'S ACADEMIC PAPERS TO GAIN EMPLOYMENT: Waiswa dropped out of school in S.4. Joined the “bahd man agwan” crew adopted the stage name Weezy and became a one-hit wonder. The music business didn’t turn out so well for Waiswa and by the time he started to think of other career options, his twin Kato had acquired his degree and was living the life. Kato felt bad for his brother so they decided to come up with a way for Waiswa to get a job. The plan was simple; Waiswa would go to different compan...

SAVE UGANDAN PRESIDENTS, THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR ETHNICITY AND THEIR TRIBES FROM HEART OF REVENGE. REMOVE LAWS THAT HUMAN BEINGS USE FOR KILLING AND PAYING BACK. Am writing this to every Ugandan in diaspora and abroad. Here is why ugandan dictator YOWERI MUSEVENI does not want to quit office and how he can quit it. Most ugandans think museveni is on power to get money and wealth, which is not a true deception. At the moment if you ask museveni, how much wealth he owns?. He will only tell you 30% of the 100% wealth he owns. Museveni is richer than what you can not imagine. Try to depect it from what i am penning.

The current Ugandan law bars incumbent Presidents from being prosecuted while in office, unless he or she has has quited or has been retired from the office of the presidency. (A) If most Ugandans want museveni to be killed or prosecuted for the crimes he has committed, then he will not relinquish power as you are expecting instead  he will die killing. It is a bitter fact that museveni has killed a lot more people you can not believe and worse enough, the current law prohibits anyone from discussing or bringing him accountable to such a mysterious killings. Not to leave out this, killing Mr museveni to avenge the sufferings he has brought to your relatives and friends will never satisfy your thirst for your missing relatives or friends he has murdered. Of course, assassinating your opponents is a norm with every president on this world. Museveni is useless to be prosecuted or murdered for revenge instead let us all unite to witness a peaceful power transition. (B) and by sincerity...

When i speak, the government with its agents complain and threaten me.

But until my fellow Westnile people stop eyeing for security guard job and sugar cane cutting job as an opportunity, i will not shut up and i will never be shut up by this repressive segregation regime.

THE OTHER NEGLECTED PART OF UGANDA ARE THE PEOPLE OF BUDUDA JUST SIMILAR TO THE NEGLECTED PEOPLE OF WESTNILE REGION. ........................................................................... US JOURNALIST CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 'S BODY HANDED OVER TO US EMBASSY. First let me send my condolences to the people of Budada for their loss that nobody seems to care about. The people of Bududa have suffered such s calamity and dictator Museveni is busy campaigning to amend the constitution to stay in power. Martha Nangalama was very right in calling out most MP's specifically NRM MPs from Bugisu to sleep with Museveni who does not care the people of Bududa and what they have gone through. We are better people and a fund should be established to help the people of Bududa. Back to the headline story. The body of a US journalist Christopher Allen who was killed by UPDF near the Uganda-South Sudan boarder has been handed over to the US representative in South Sudan. Christopher Allen in the picture was a 25 young man assigned to report on a war in South Sudan. The committee that governs journalist has called for an investigation into Christopher Allen's death by the Ugandan forces. According to the complaint, Allen was deliberately shot and killed for his criticism of Museveni fueling the civil war in South Sudan. Allen had written numerous outlets criticizing UPDF killing of civilians and Museveni's arming of the government of South Sudan. Allen was embedded with a unit of the SPLA-IO when he was shot . According to sources Allen was clearly wearing a press vest when he died. According to Michael Makuei, South Sudan's minister for information any one on the SPLA-IO's is always a target but regretted his death. He went on to say that the journalist had entered the country illegally after being denied a visa because of his hostile reports towards UPDF. He further said that Allen was a criminal and was treated as such. He was shot when he was taking UPDF pictures in South Sudan fighting alongside South Sudan's army. According to Col. Paul Lam Gabriel, UPDF, forces just took him out without warning. This has proved that Museveni's political beliefs is to eliminate those that disagree with his political views similar to what happened to Dr. Kayiira.

THE OTHER NEGLECTED PART OF UGANDA ARE THE PEOPLE OF BUDUDA JUST SIMILAR TO THE NEGLECTED PEOPLE OF WESTNILE REGION. ...................................................................................................................... US JOURNALIST CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 'S BODY HANDED OVER TO US EMBASSY. First let me send my condolences to the people of Budada for their loss that nobody seems to care about. The people of Bududa have suffered such s calamity and dictator Museveni is busy campaigning to amend the constitution to stay in power. Martha Nangalama was very right in calling out most MP's specifically NRM MPs from Bugisu to sleep with Museveni who does not care the people of Bududa and what they have gone through. We are better people and a fund should be established to help the people of Bududa. Back to the headline story. The body of a US journalist Christopher Allen who was killed by UPDF near the Uganda-South Sudan boarder has been handed over to the US representa...


               PROVERB 21:20                  There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man spendth it up.


In celebrations of my birth date, i would like to vehemently applause my black African parents Mr Aniku Richard and Mrs Zena Droo, both from Kijomoro Sub-county in Maracha district  for uniting to produce me on this glamorous globe, grew me up with a safe and un criminal hand, educated me to some extent of realising who i am today. Because they were never criminals nor crime promoters, it effected into my existence and my blessing. They didn't steal to feed me, instead they dug to feed me. They used to dug a half day to ensure that, at least i should not stay a day minus eating. They suffered in looking out for my survival and i pray to the almighty God that, they should live to witness and enjoy the fruit of my succession dream. I LOVE YOU MY BLACK AFRICAN PARENTS. AUTHOR; OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN / LAWYER.

MY LETTER TO INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE GEN KALE KAYIHURA, CONCERNING POLICE BRUTALITY AND UN PROFESSIONALISM AT WORK. Dear IGP Kale Kayihura, i am Osuta a resident of Kijomoro sub-county in Maracha District. I wrote this missive, making one year ago today and perhaps am obliged to do it again because i do not want to witness bloody riots unfold betwixt police and citizens.

Many People have commented on the level of indiscipline in the Uganda police force, the level of training, welfare and assignment execution (professionalism) that have fallen to its lowest standards since colonial times. it is not yet too late for police to redeem its image but I am a little bit skeptical if the current regime canreally implement these proposals but I will still propose them any way. 1.There should be an overhaul of the entire force by thorough review and inquiry into the recruitment process. 2.All policemen and women must reapply for their jobs. 3.Those who do not meet the requirements must be retired. 4.Army men must not be appointed to the police force. Any Army man wishing to join the police, must first resign and attend police training. 5.Police carrying guns must only act as backup forces not to be seen any how and any where in the public. 6.Refresher courses must be conducted regularly, especially in the field of human rights, crowd management, investigat...


He was a patriotic citizen who stood for parity for all. He loved and served his nation diligently. Not to be left out, he also endeavored to attain a transparent Uganda for all but his will, were frustrated by a power greed mediocre. His soul deserves from us more of dignity we accord to. There for;- it is a task for all of us, to pick the flag of patriotism from where he left. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN ETERNAL LIFE. AMEN

LETTER TO THE 4 ARMS OF GOVERNMENT (THE EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATURE, JUDICIARY AND THE MEDIA) CONCERNING AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE '26' OF THE CONSTITUTION. Dear Uganda government, my name is Osuta Yusuf a resident of Lamila parish, Kijomoro sub-county in Maracha district.

The great intrigue of typing this missive is because of the purported amendment of controversial  article '26' of the constitution which states that "Government or investors must acquire land for an investment or other activities, prior to compensation of land owners". The coming proposal of amending the constitution, if assented to it as a law, it will enable government or investors to compulsorily acquire land for investment before compensating owners of the targeted land. We have heard of so many land wrangle cases being registered from LC courts to other Higher courts, most of which, emanet from some investors or government ploying to take over land of local residents without fairly adequate compensation of land owners. Have the MPs minded to go and consult people in their constituencies about this proposed amendment of land law in the constitution?. If yes, do the locals minded to ask their MP about the good side and bad side of this proposed law?. Though th...


Every successful person has a painful story, Every painful story has a successful ending, So accept the pain and get ready to success.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND SLAVERY STILL GOING ON IN UGANDA. Without the concept of Ugandans, museveni uses tax payers money to buy billions worthy of weapons, he then sends Ugandans to be killed in SOUTH SUDAN, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC AND SOMALIA.

Dictator Museveni is a man for some reasons cannot stay away from conflicts let it be within the country or outside of its borders. Since 1970s Museveni has been involved in fighting up to now and even in his only song ever recorded by him let us assume its true, the man is looking for ENKONI to clobber someone. Museveni just bought military hardware from a European nation and the military hardware were shipped straight to the embattled country of South Sudan. Many South Sudans nationals have lost their lives due to unending civil was that was presumably started on the orders of Museveni to arrest Dr. Mecher that sparked off the deadly civil war. Dictator Museveni was vehemently against slapping an arms embargo on Kiir's government and now we know exactly why, Uganda has become a major supplier of weapons to South Sudan and as a result over a million refugees from South Sudan have crossed into Uganda which prompted dictator Museveni to convene a UN meeting at Munyonyo in which pa...

WHO IS #IDI_AMIN_DADA AND HIS LEGACY. Compiled from OSUTA YUSUF's website. .................................................................................................. Idi Amin Dada championed the cause of African liberation and self determination for black people. He was instrumental in the fight against Apartheid, and in 1975, he led the Pan-African struggle for the independence of southern African states. From Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique and South Africa, Amin provided, sanctuary, training and weapons to African freedom fighters and liberation movements across the continent. Before Amin, Uganda was a British Imperial economy. An economy that only served the colonial master and his imported cronies.He was called Conqueror of the British Empire because in 1972 he kicked out the British and their cronies who had monopolized the economy at the expense of the indeginous Ugandans. He then nationalised the properties and sent government valuers to evaluate each property. He then compensated the British/Asians for every single property that was nationalized, and then redistributed the properties to the Ugandan people. Indeginous Ugandans from all over the country applied and took over the departed British/Indians properties and started engaging in businesses that Ugandans were once excluded from practicing. Amin was a stern personality. Demanding discipline and determination for success from the people of Uganda. But he was also very down to earth and people-friendly in every day life. Much loved by ordinary Ugandans from all walks of life. That is the reality. He was loved because he made major contributions in building his country. Investing in infrastructure, industry, telecommunications, and the airlines and railways sector. He built more education facilities and opened the once exclusive "Asians" schools to all Ugandans. He turned these schools into public institutions administered by his government. Thereby giving access to quality education to far more Ugandans than ever before, and all free of charge. Western powers were insensed to see a black man being carried aloft by white people. They went even more crazy when they saw pictures of white people kneeling in front of Amin and reading the oath of citizenship to their new country Uganda. Amin Kicking neo-colonialismout of Uganda and subscribing the country to the non-aligned movement (neither communist, nor pro-western) made many in the west red angry. Their envy continues to paint him with blood and murder, and with the darkest tales of cannibalism and greed. They completely buried the story of an honest, incorruptible, selfless African hero who came from humble beginnings where his poor parents couldn't even afford to give him an education. Upon his release from prison, Nelson Mandela himself refused to remain quiet and publicly recognized Idi Amin and Colonel Gaddafi as part of those who contributed immensely in the struggle against Apartheid. In Uganda, nobody is quiet anymore about what they know is the truth about Amin. The real-life stories passed down to them from their parents and grandparents, many of whom had a chance of meeting Amin who was regularly seen in the streets of Kampala walking or driving past alone, usually even without a single body guard. Something that would have been completely impossible to come out from alive if he had been the blood-thirsty animal who was killing 500,000 of his own people. He was tarnished by rebels. He left a great legacy behind.

Idi Amin Dada championed the cause of African liberation and self determination for black people. He was instrumental in the fight against Apartheid, and in 1975, he led the Pan-African struggle for the independence of southern African states. From Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique and South Africa, Amin provided, sanctuary, training and weapons to African freedom fighters and liberation movements across the continent. Before Amin, Uganda was a British Imperial economy. An economy that only served the colonial master and his imported cronies.He was called Conqueror of the British Empire because in 1972 he kicked out the British and their cronies who had monopolized the economy at the expense of the indeginous Ugandans. He then nationalised the properties and sent government valuers to evaluate each property. He then compensated the British/Asians for every single property that was nationalized, and then redistributed the properties to the Ugandan people. Indeginous Ugandans from ...

PUBLISHED ON REDPAPPER. #THE_POWER_OF_SOCIAL_MEDIA THANKS ARTICLE 102(b) FORUM AND OTHERS. KEEP GETTING PHONE NUMBERS. Yes we can do it. Social media is a weapon of our choice. ................................................................................. Angry Youths Assault Mwenda Over Age Limit By Our Reporters Operating under “Protest Article 102(b),” a group of Ugandan youths from all political parties including NRM have resorted to targeting key supporters of Museveni’s right to rule for life by scrapping the age limit provisions in the Constitution. They have created a very active whatsapp forum, administered by mostly youths at universities in the Diaspora. This whatsapp forum operates by selectively adding a number of key supporters of the scrapping of age limits onto their forum where they are abused and asked to justify why they want life presidency. The verbal assaults have specifically been directed to Andrew Mwenda who has been having sleepless nights. He was overhead narrating his ordeal to staff at his Kamwokya-based offices to the effect that he these days can’t do any work as he is kept busy struggling to keep away from such forums. “They have over 20 administrators whose work is to keep adding you onto their forum. You get out and someone immediately puts you back and the cyber harassment is becoming too much,” Mwenda was overhead explaining. When he flees the forum, members follow him inbox and still post their hostile propaganda attacking him personally with trivial questions like those to do with his marital status. He has since resorted to blocking such numbers whenever he receives such messages relating to article 102(b). Mwenda isn’t alone. Privatization and Investment minister Evelyn Anite has also been targeted and forcefully added onto this notorious whatsapp group. She abused the youths for days until she gave up and quit the group and blocked its administrators from accessing her inbox. The youths abused her for days dismissing her as a sycophant out to serve one individual Museveni at the expense of posterity. Arua MP Col Ibrahim Abiriga is another Musevenist who has suffered the wrath of the young people who insist on describing themselves as Ugandans and not political party activists. They have contemptuously altered his name to “ebiriga” which means the docile sheep. He tried to put up a fight but they subdued him on grounds his fake written English indicates he isn’t even sufficiently educated to be in the legislature. Some have since threatened to scan all his academic discrepancies as contained in his case file in Nakawa Magistrates court for the world to see his academic inadequacies. “We know why you are blindly supporting this. It’s because you want to hide behind Museveni to continue intimidating the concerned magistrate not to summon you,” one of the boys posted temporarily silencing Abiriga. Simeo Nsubuga has also been forcefully conscripted on the group and continues to endure all manner of attacks. Simon Mulongo is also there and the personal attacks directed at him a few days ago forced him to denounce moves to scrap age limits and demanded the same for MPs. The boys were skeptical arguing Mulongo is a Museveni spy out to conceal his support for life presidency. James Kakooza was also added and silenced by reference to his marital woes of a few years ago which saw his wife petition courts for divorce on grounds of incest. Nakifuuma’s Kafeero Sekitoleko was also added and threatened to report to the IGP to get perpetrators arrested, teargased and tortured at Nalufenya but the boys didn’t give up. They assured him they are ready to die defending their country. They insisted it was about freedom of expression which is well enshrined in Article 29 of the same Constitution. He backed off and stopped posting anything. They also added troubled Bukedea woman MP Anita Among and vowed to expose her sex secrets if she doesn’t denounce life presidency. She managed them by remaining quiet. They also forcefully added Hillary Onek, the old man from Lamwo County. He managed their wrath by keeping quiet without posting anything and remains on the forum but without posting anything fearing to be character-assassinated. Many MPs including Ogenga Latigo and Anna Adeke are members on the group and rarely post. They have occasionally posted urging the angry youths to tone down on personal attacks which Adeke argues may harden NRM MPs to scrap age limit. The forum administrators have this week planned to add Museveni’s son-in-law Odrek Rwabwogo insisting that he declares where he stands on the ongoing debate. They are also planning to get phone numbers of other first family members and add them on their “PROTECT ARTICLE 102(b)” whatsapp forum to blackmail them until they denounce life presidency.

PUBLISHED ON REDPAPPER. #THE_POWER_OF_SOCIAL_MEDIA THANKS ARTICLE 102(b) FORUM AND OTHERS. KEEP GETTING PHONE NUMBERS. Yes we can do it. Social media is a weapon of our choice. ................................................................................. Angry Youths Assault Mwenda Over Age Limit By Our Reporters Operating under “Protest Article 102(b),” a group of Ugandan youths from all political parties including NRM have resorted to targeting key supporters of Museveni’s right to rule for life by scrapping the age limit provisions in the Constitution. They have created a very active whatsapp forum, administered by mostly youths at universities in the Diaspora. This whatsapp forum operates by selectively adding a number of key supporters of the scrapping of age limits onto their forum where they are abused and asked to justify why they want life presidency. The verbal assaults have specifically been directed to Andrew Mwenda who has been having sleep...