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Trinity Church Lamila Holds Historical Mass Wedding of 9 Couples Wedded by 9 Reverends.

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📸: The Brides and Bridegrooms attending to preachings during the historic wedding. Photo by Information is Power.

The anglican church of Trinity in Poo village, Lamila parish in Kijomoro Sub-county, has on Saturday 29-7-2023 held first ever record breaking mass wedding of 9 families wedded by 9 clergies in the history of Protestant (Anglican) church in Maracha district and WestNile region.

However, what has made the wedding ceremony more unique and historical is that, out of the 9 families that wedded, the youngest couple was in their 45 years of age and the rest of the 8 couples are in 50s to 80s of their age.

A local NGO, Aseru Maracha Foundation who sent a representative to give some financial gift to the  9 wedded couples, advised the Brides and Bridegrooms to always remain supportive and respectful to each other because this journey they have embarked on is not an easy journey.

Preacher at the ceremony, Rev Toko Charles said, he has ever conducted this kind of Anglican mass wedding in Yivu sub-county and Maracha town council, where there were 7  families.

He urged the Christians to embrace this kind of wedding because it is less costly.

The organizing Chairperson for the mass wedding Mr James Yiki stated that, it was not easy for him at the beginning to organise these 9 families because some of them wanted to give up due to financial challenges.

To avoid issues of couples breaking up after weddings, Mr Yiki said, the clergies have offered 10 times retreat for orientation and counseling to these newly wedded couples.

The 9 couples who weded are;

  1. Aguta Bileti Geoffrey and Pakaru Josephine.
  1. Aguta Jackson and Asibazuyo Jennifer.
  1. Adukule Enock and Tina Night.
  1. Alioni Rhonny and Bako Rose.
  1. Amandu Zakayo and Driciru Jannety.
  1. Asizua Emmanuel Nyai and Opiru Jane.
  1. Drudra John and Odaru Ruth.
  1. Nyakuni Erinesty and Aguta Helina.
  1. Orionzi Yoram and Dina Adiru.

They were wedded by 9 religious leaders;

  1. Rev. Sam Ojandu, parish priest Jiako – Arua archdiconary.
  1. Rev. Can. George Andima, parish priest Otravu.
  1. Rev Luke Aluma, parish priest Koyi.
  1. Rev. Adiga Robert, parish priest Kijomoro.
  1. Rev. Gard Onzima, parish priest Midria.
  1. Rev. Charles Toko, parish priest Ofude.
  1. Rev. Can. Isaac Candia, Church of Uganda Alivu, Kijomoro.
  1. Rt. Rev. Obale Gard, parish priest Ewava.
  1. Rev. Charles Alio, parish priest Loinya.

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