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Showing posts from July, 2018

TO THE DESPERATE YOUTH AND MY PEOPLE OF ARUA AND UGANDA. I have chosen to write this phrase for everyone to see what is right and has to be done. As the Political atmosphere gains momentum ahead of Arua Municipality by-election, here are some of the concerning facts which i wish all of you to know. A few moments ago, i have camped here in +256 Arua just to assess and analyze. There are 12 Candidates contesting for the Parliamentary seat of Arua Municipality, out of which, Some of them have been in Parliament before. According to media reportage, i have seen some of them Campaigning, "Vote for me!!! Because Uganda Parliament needs people who are Tough Talking and Argumentative like me". To be frank, some of these Candidates have been in the Parliament and most of the currently unjust Laws were tabled, debated and enacted during their term. 1. Public Order Management Act (POMA) - this law which bans Activists from organizing Consultative Meetings. 2. The Antibiotics drug Act - this law that bars Ordinary people from Growing and Selling of Drug Cash crops like Mirungi, Cigarette, Opium and etc etc as sauce of income. 3. The Antiponigraphy Act - This law bans Women from wearing miniskirts. 4. The Computer misuse Act. 5. The Investment Act and so many other too oppressive laws. Mark me properly, i am not saying all these Laws are bad but i mean, there are some Clauses which are not favorable to the Ordinary People. There for:- You should never be deceived to vote on a merit of so and so is Tough Talking and Argumentative. Some of these people were even there in Parliament while other Ambiguous captions in the Laws of Uganda were validated. What else do they want to go to Parliament again?. My dear People, especially, we as the Youth, if we do not make good use of our brains and senses, we will ever be electing self-centered people, greedy and the worst of it all, the Corrupt, who will only be building their stomachs and accumulating wealth for themselves. In this case, i boldly emerge to declare for you to vote a Corrupt free and not stale talker Mr EJIKU ROBERT, a Candidate who will bring a common good and opportunities to your people. The other role of an MP is to write Laws. Laws are something of National importance and Interests but not locally backing the Ordinary citizen who is grappling with Life. Of course, under this Military Dictatorship reign Regime of Mr Museveni, any law that Oppresses the population but is to the best of his personal gain and Interests, can be tabled, debated and amended at all costs and at anytime too. For an instance, you take; The Age limit Law, The Social Media Tax Law and The Term Limit Law and etc etc. These above Laws are not favoring the Ordinary Citizen and is not to their Interests but these Laws were eventually amended on the Interests of Mr Museveni despite the whole Country going Rebellious and rejecting the enactment of these Laws!! instead, the whole Population in the Country was beaten. HERE ARE MY SIMPLE QUESTIONS TO THE SUPPORTERS AND THEIR CANDIDATES WHO ARE OBSESSED WITH BEING "TOUGH TALKER". 1. Who is Candidate manifesting about being Tough Talking and Argumentative?. 2. Is this so Called Candidate, bigger than enough to the extent, not to be bribed? 3. Is this Candidate bigger than the over 100 Opposition MPs who were flogged in Parliament last year over Age Limit debate?. 4. Is this Candidate, not part of the MPs who were paid shillings 5 million each in 2005, to remove the "Term Limit" off the Constitution of Uganda?. Any Candidate who is telling people to vote them so as to go back to Parliament again, should be restrained and regarded as fuddled "Fuddy-duddy". What is Crucial is, what should benefit our People but not enacting laws amid Crisis standard of Living. Law without Liberty would disturb the Integrating Regulatory of Life; it would be mere License masquerading as Liberty, Destroying Virtue, Duty and Honour. I will go into History for enlightening my people by telling them, what is right, has to be right and should be wholeheartedly accepted and what is wrong has to be wrong and should be totally rejected. The people of Arua Municipality, never say i did not tell you MR #EJIKU_ROBERT IS THE ONLY BEST PERSON FOR ARUA MUNICIPALITY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT SEAT. I rest my Case. #THANKS! THE STRUGGLE TO FREE OUR PEOPLE AND NATION CONTINUES.... AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I have chosen to write this phrase for everyone to see what is right and has to be done. As the Political atmosphere gains momentum ahead of Arua Municipality by-election, here are some of the concerning facts which i wish all of you to know. A few moments ago, i have camped here in +256 Arua just to assess and analyze. There are 12 Candidates contesting for the Parliamentary seat of Arua Municipality, out of which, Some of them have been in Parliament before. According to media reportage, i have seen some of them Campaigning, "Vote for me!!! Because Uganda Parliament needs people who are Tough Talking and Argumentative like me". To be frank, some of these Candidates have been in the Parliament and most of the currently unjust Laws were tabled, debated and enacted during their term. 1. Public Order Management Act (POMA) - this law which bans Activists from organizing Consultative Meetings. 2. The Antibiotics drug Act - this law that bars Ordinary people from Growing an...

TO THE DESPERATE YOUTH AND MY PEOPLE OF ARUA AND UGANDA. I have chosen to write this phrase for everyone to see what is right and has to be done. As the Political atmosphere gains momentum ahead of Arua Municipality by-election, here are some of the concerning facts which i wish all of you to know. A few moments ago, i have camped here in +256 Arua just to assess and analyze. There are 12 Candidates contesting for the Parliamentary seat of Arua Municipality, out of which, Some of them have been in Parliament before. According to media reportage, i have seen some of them Campaigning, "Vote for me!!! Because Uganda Parliament needs people who are Tough Talking and Argumentative like me". To be frank, some of these Candidates have been in the Parliament and most of the currently unjust Laws were tabled, debated and enacted during their term. 1. Public Order Management Act (POMA) - this law which bans Activists from organizing Consultative Meetings. 2. The Antibiotics drug Act - this law that bars Ordinary people from Growing and Selling of Drug Cash crops like Mirungi, Cigarette, Opium and etc etc as sauce of income. 3. The Antiponigraphy Act - This law bans Women from wearing miniskirts. 4. The Computer misuse Act. 5. The Investment Act and so many other too oppressive laws. Mark me properly, i am not saying all these Laws are bad but i mean, there are some Clauses which are not favorable to the Ordinary People. There for:- You should never be deceived to vote on a merit of so and so is Tough Talking and Argumentative. Some of these people were even there in Parliament while other Ambiguous captions in the Laws of Uganda were validated. What else do they want to go to Parliament again?. My dear People, especially, we as the Youth, if we do not make good use of our brains and senses, we will ever be electing self-centered people, greedy and the worst of it all, the Corrupt, who will only be building their stomachs and accumulating wealth for themselves. In this case, i boldly emerge to declare for you to vote a Corrupt free and not stale talker Mr EJIKU ROBERT, a Candidate who will bring a common good and opportunities to your people. The other role of an MP is to write Laws. Laws are something of National importance and Interests but not locally backing the Ordinary citizen who is grappling with Life. Of course, under this Military Dictatorship reign Regime of Mr Museveni, any law that Oppresses the population but is to the best of his personal gain and Interests, can be tabled, debated and amended at all costs and at anytime too. For an instance, you take; The Age limit Law, The Social Media Tax Law and The Term Limit Law and etc etc. These above Laws are not favoring the Ordinary Citizen and is not to their Interests but these Laws were eventually amended on the Interests of Mr Museveni despite the whole Country going Rebellious and rejecting the enactment of these Laws!! instead, the whole Population in the Country was beaten. HERE ARE MY SIMPLE QUESTIONS TO THE SUPPORTERS AND THEIR CANDIDATES WHO ARE OBSESSED WITH BEING "TOUGH TALKER". 1. Who is Candidate manifesting about being Tough Talking and Argumentative?. 2. Is this so Called Candidate, bigger than enough to the extent, not to be bribed? 3. Is this Candidate bigger than the over 100 Opposition MPs who were flogged in Parliament last year over Age Limit debate?. 4. Is this Candidate, not part of the MPs who were paid shillings 5 million each in 2005, to remove the "Term Limit" off the Constitution of Uganda?. Any Candidate who is telling people to vote them so as to go back to Parliament again, should be restrained and regarded as fuddled "Fuddy-duddy". What is Crucial is, what should benefit our People but not enacting laws amid Crisis standard of Living. Law without Liberty would disturb the Integrating Regulatory of Life; it would be mere License masquerading as Liberty, Destroying Virtue, Duty and Honour. I will go into History for enlightening my people by telling them, what is right, has to be right and should be wholeheartedly accepted and what is wrong has to be wrong and should be totally rejected. The people of Arua Municipality, never say i did not tell you MR #EJIKU_ROBERT IS THE ONLY BEST PERSON FOR ARUA MUNICIPALITY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT SEAT. I rest my Case. #THANKS! THE STRUGGLE TO FREE OUR PEOPLE AND NATION CONTINUES.... AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I have chosen to write this phrase for everyone to see what is right and has to be done. As the Political atmosphere gains momentum ahead of Arua Municipality by-election, here are some of the concerning facts which i wish all of you to know. A few moments ago, i have camped here in +256 Arua just to assess and analyze. There are 12 Candidates contesting for the Parliamentary seat of Arua Municipality, out of which, Some of them have been in Parliament before. According to media reportage, i have seen some of them Campaigning, "Vote for me!!! Because Uganda Parliament needs people who are Tough Talking and Argumentative like me". To be frank, some of these Candidates have been in the Parliament and most of the currently unjust Laws were tabled, debated and enacted during their term. 1. Public Order Management Act (POMA) - this law which bans Activists from organizing Consultative Meetings. 2. The Antibiotics drug Act - this law that bars Ordinary people from Growing an...



ARUA DECIDES. #People_And_Power!!! Sunday 29 July 2018. I Osuta Yusuf, on behalf of the Campaign team of Mr Ejiku Robert, i would wish to applause the People of Mvara dri, for turning up massively just to Listen to Mr Ejiku Robert, the Independent Member of Parliament Aspirant for Arua Municipality. Pictures from the massive Campaign, are here on my Website while the Videos are on my YouTube channel. I just run them Global, just to showcase that, We don't Photoshop. We are proud of that. Our Team and Our Supporters are not Litmus taste. It's a mammoth crowd that doesn't only show the Love and Support people have for him but it also implies that, People are rapidly waking up from slumber of being Cajoled by not Only Political Barriers and Connivers, but Unscrupulously irritative Personalities who have been and are still here wanting to solicit your Votes again to Aid their born turbo and Greediness or to maintain their Luxurious Lifestyle of Bathing people with Mineral waters. Frankly speaking, my daily Followers and Readers know that, i am a Man of Integrity, Dignity, Truth and Justice!! So, i can never divert the minds of you people. I am a Strainer and i have filtered for everyone to know who is the Only Suitable Candidate for ARUA MUNICIPALITY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT position. We stand for Truth, not like some of the Candidates who are out there for Flattery. Believe me, just entrust Mr Ejiku Robert with your Precious Vote, you will never regret. No one should confuse you out there. We are not the People of Stale Talks, We are Action Oriented. #VOTE_MR_ROBERT_EJIKU_FOR_MP_ARUA THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES #THANKS. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I Osuta Yusuf, on behalf of the Campaign team of Mr Ejiku Robert, i would wish to applause the People of Mvara dri, for turning up massively  just to Listen to Mr Ejiku Robert, the Independent Member of Parliament Aspirant for Arua Municipality. Pictures from the massive Campaign, are here on my Website while the Videos are on my YouTube channel. I just run them Global, just to showcase that, We don't Photoshop. We are proud of that. Our Team and Our Supporters are not Litmus taste. It's a mammoth crowd that doesn't only show the Love and Support people have for him but it also implies that, People are rapidly waking up from slumber of being Cajoled by not Only Political Barriers and Connivers, but Unscrupulously irritative Personalities who have been and are still here wanting to solicit your Votes again to Aid their born turbo and Greediness or to maintain their Luxurious Lifestyle of Bathing people with Mineral waters. Frankly speaking, my daily Followers and Reade...

THE ONLY TREMENDOUSLY PRUDENT ARUA MUNICIPALITY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ASPIRANT, IS MR EJIKU ROBERT. 29 July 2018. Hallo, dear fellow National and international Activists, fellow Citizens Abroad and In Diaspora, i have chosen to write of the #Political_Wisdoms rather than the #Political_ideas of this Young Man Mr #Ejiku_Robert, the Independent MP Aspirant in the coming Arua Municipality by-elections. By Political Party affiliation, i may not be in the same faction with him but his Virtue and Enthusiasm franchised me to eulogise him since i have been a Personality of vigor. I may ought to publicly tell you that, Political Party differences never apply in some Politics of Some Curtain Areas and Regions. The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind. Well, the Other role of an MP is for a National Duty but the greatest endeavor is beneficial to the Local Voters of the District or Province or County or Municipality. Of course, every Political act could be construed as consistent with such doctrines. And yet, where Policies are adjusted in the light of Circumstances to some underlying common principles Order, Liberty and Virtue, the obsession consideration of Political Party differences (For us we are FDC, we are Independent, we are JEEMA, we are NRM, we are PPP) may subdue apparently havoc inconsistencies and irregularities at the level of Policy Making!!!, may be to the affirmation of socially bias and unjust Rules. Below is a glimpse of Mr Ejiku Robert but i will avail you more with his deep inner look, in my subsequent article Write ups. THE GLIMPSE OF MR EJIKU ROBERT. 1. He is a Young and a Leadership oriented man. 2. He is susceptible of formulation in rules, principles, directions and maxims. 3. He has never been Corrupt neither Greedy nor he has ever been involved in a looting Scandal. 4. He is a Man of Practical Knowledge -- the knowledge existing only in use, which reflects Judgement rather than Speculations. 5. He is not Religious Racist, a Nepotic person nor a Sectarian. 6. Mr Robert Ejiku is a Man who agitates, in a young Municipality like Arua and a young Country like Uganda, it is of more Consequence to develop its resources and improve its physical advantages, than Wasting the time of the Legislature and Tax Payer's money in fruitless discussions on abstract theoretical plenary. 7. He is a Man of Wisdom and Prudence! And possessing such, is what turns an Ordinary Human Being into a #Masterful_StatesMan. MANIFESTO OF MR EJIKU ROBERT: "Unity for Development". A bright one here. Of course, a Population or a Country which is not United, will never Develop. Our People in Arua and WestNile at large need to be more United by such Individuals. The Aspirations of Mr Ejiku has always been on this too. For the People of Arua Municipality, and also for most who follow Mr Ejiku Robert, the National Interest, the common weal, public safety and liberty, the rule of law, are his intended unerring principles to which Political practice must be directed to. I appeal to everyone ( including People of Arua, people of WestNile, all Ugandans and the World), in agitating to have Mr Ejiku Robert elected as the Member Of Parliament for Arua Municipality. #We_Inform_The_Uninformed!!!. Next phrase about Mr Ejiku Robert is coming soon!, #Stay_Tuned!!. THE STRUGGLE TO SAVE OUR ARUA PEOPLE AND COUNTRY CONTINUES.... #THANKS AUTHOR IS PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

29 July 2018. Hallo, dear fellow National and international Activists, fellow Citizens Abroad and In Diaspora, i have chosen to write of the #Political_Wisdoms rather than the #Political_ideas of this Young Man Mr #Ejiku_Robert, the Independent MP Aspirant in the coming Arua Municipality by-elections. By Political Party affiliation, i may not be in the same faction with him but his Virtue and Enthusiasm franchised me to eulogise him since i have been a Personality of vigor. I may ought to publicly tell you that, Political Party differences never apply in some Politics of Some Curtain Areas and Regions. The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind. Well, the Other role of an MP is for a National Duty but the greatest endeavor is beneficial to the Local Voters of the District or Province or County or Municipality. Of course, every Political act could be construed as consistent with such doctrines. And yet, where Policies are a...

ARUA MUNICIPALITY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ASPIRANT NUSURA TIPERU. #Tiperu_Nusura is one of the Ugandans, who ought in pretence to be first class citizens. She is a lady to whom, the poor citizens mattered little. She is a lady who undermines not only the Ordinary people from her Origin, but she also undermines what they use. She is the Lady, who, through Compromise and trimming, won the NRM Primary Election for Arua Municipality MP by-election on 17 July 2018. NUSURA TIPERU is a lady who has never bathed her kids with water which the same people in her residence use. She prides her chest and calls those other sources of water; Springs, Boreholes, etc etc as Dirty and Contaminated Water. She is a lady, who only baths her Kids with Rwenzori Mineral Water! As she keeps on terming other sources of water in her residence, as Local, Dirty and Contaminated. To proof this 👆👆👆👆, ask a LUGBARA from YUMBE. Her attitude brags her, of being Class apart. While every Being Human in its Tradition can ever be portrayed in its entirety as belonging to their Origin and Ethnicities alone, NUSURA TIPERU ceases to be of that. These are the appalling errors of fact. If there is another Candidate to be avoided on the ballot paper for Arua Municipality MP by-election, it should be unphilosophical lady NUSURA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Surely, How the hell on Earth, can People in Arua Municipality entrust such an extravagantly expensive Lady with their Votes.?. 2. If she can bath her kids with a Rwenzori Mineral water, just guess what she will use to bath her kids with, Incase you risk your vote for her?. Let alone her treachery National Riggers Movement (NRM) party, She is the Lucifer of Arua. She must be avoided by all costs. FRANKLY speaking, Chicken Once upon a time, left itself to be guarded by the Wolves and the Wolves ate it. TIPERU NUSURA's resistance to far-reaching change, her reluctance to act without prior complete knowledge, has received its fare share of comment. There for;- i appeal to all sensible Men and Women to drop their havoc support for TIPERU NUSURA, who not only has Imaginary & fictitious manifestos but also ideas not empirical grounded. I am satisfied not to be party and have a reputation for indulging in Imaginary schemes and harboring un-visionary ideas that may end sometimes in Voting a Corrupt person, sometimes a scandalous person and sometimes an Utopian. NB: All the articles published on my Website, are my Opinions and my Write Up alone and they are never in anyway, in the Interests of Organizations, Parties, Individuals and Groups that i affiliate with. #LOVE_ME or #HATE_ME, i don't care! BURN. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

#Tiperu_Nusura is one of the Ugandans, who ought in pretence to be first class citizens. She is a lady to whom, the poor citizens mattered little. She is a lady who undermines not only the Ordinary people from her Origin, but she also undermines what they use. She is the Lady, who, through Compromise and trimming, won the NRM Primary Election for Arua Municipality MP by-election on 17 July 2018. NUSURA TIPERU is a lady who has never bathed her kids with water which the same people in her residence use. She prides her chest and calls those other sources of water; Springs, Boreholes, etc etc as Dirty and Contaminated Water. She is a lady, who only baths her Kids with Rwenzori Mineral Water! As she keeps on terming other sources of water in her residence, as Local, Dirty and Contaminated. To proof this 👆👆👆👆, ask a LUGBARA from YUMBE. Her attitude brags her, of being Class apart. While every Being Human in its Tradition can ever be p...

PEOPLE AND POWER. If we are looking for a Systematic, Schematic and Consistent Pragmatist on Political Philosophy, MADIRA KENNEDY aka JM Kennedy is the Answer.

I f we are looking for a Systematic, Schematic and Consistent Pragmatist on Political Philosophy, MADIRA KENNEDY aka JM Kennedy is the Answer.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Saturday 21 July 2018. #ELITE_POLITICS. #Part_One We are the Elites and Tycoons in the City! We have everything and the power to do anything! We are rich but we don't help the poor instead we undermine them! We degrade the poor! We take the poor for Outings and we buy them harmful sucket Waragi while we sqoop for us bottle of beers! We boast, Let the poor drink bitter Sucket Waragi so that they will die quickly and leave the World for us! We are rich! When it comes to Politics, we bring Our fellow Elites to come and Campaign for us! We love ourselves as the Rich but we hate the poor like a maggot! Our brain has No Political Wisdoms and Political ideas! We as the Elite team, we bribe the majority poor with less than $3 each so as to have their support and vote to extra add our power and layer of popularity & security to our Elite team! We possess no Prudence! We are the devoid of political principles! We are here to live a life of luxury only! We hate humanity because we are bitter hearted! This is us! We are the NATIONAL RESISTANCE MOVEMENT and INDEPENDENTS! We are barriers of Economy and Democracy! By the way, we even do miracles. My next write up is coming later on...... LOVE me or HATE me, i don't care. AUTHOR IS A PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

We are the Elites and Tycoons in the City! We have everything and the power to do anything! We are rich but we don't help the poor instead we undermine them! We degrade the poor! We take the poor for Outings and we buy them harmful sucket Waragi while we sqoop for us bottle of beers! We boast, Let the poor drink bitter Sucket Waragi so that they will die quickly and leave the World for us! We are rich! When it comes to Politics, we bring Our fellow Elites to come and Campaign for us! We love ourselves as the Rich but we hate the poor like a maggot! Our brain has No Political Wisdoms and Political ideas! We as the Elite team, we bribe the majority poor with less than $3 each so as to have their support and vote to extra add our power and layer of popularity & security to our Elite team! We possess no Prudence! We are the devoid of political principles! We are here to live a life of luxury only! We hate humanity because we are bitter hearted! This is us! We are th...

20-12-2005. UGANDA TO COMPENSATE CONGO OVER WAR AND PLUNDER OF RESOURCES. An Old article but am just doing the re-share of it just to bring back the Memories and to inform those who were either Absent or Young by that time. It was not the first and last time since Uganda has been sought in Plundering the Resources of The Democratic Republic of Congo. Uganda which is still under a military dictatorship, has continued to manipulate its Neighboring Countries and Western Countries into believing him as a "Peace" maker, which in fact, is a war monger who only exaggerates wars, in a tactics to suit his Selfish goals of Stealing the minerals and resources of such Countries. Let me spare these Angry Words and i will publish them afresh later on. NB: All my daily Readers and Followers perfectly know, This is not my Handwriting!. If i am not the Authentic Author of an Article, i could these captions in them. I repeat again, i am neither an Admin nor Editor to their Website & i have never written any of their Articles. Authentically published by #THE_GURDIAN on Tuesday 20 December 2005. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The international court of justice has ordered Uganda to pay reparations to the Democratic Republic of Congo for the five-year occupation of its eastern regions. The UN's highest judicial body ruled that Uganda's 1998-2003 intervention violated international sovereignty and led to the killing and torture of civilians and the destruction of villages. Kampala's claim that it acted in self-defence was dismissed in a sweeping ruling which piled fresh pressure on President Yoweri Museveni. The court upheld Congo's claim that it had been the victim of unlawful military intervention, though it did not find a deliberate policy of terror. Kinshasa welcomed the ruling and said it would seek $6-$10bn (£3.4-£5.6bn) in compensation, an estimate the court said would be appropriate. Uganda's foreign minister, Okello Oryem, told Reuters the ruling was unfair. "We went in Congo to pursue rebels, we were not the only people in Congo." More than 3 million died in fighting which spawned myriad Congolese militias and rebel groups and sucked in armies from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia. Foreign forces withdrew after accords paved the way for Congo's current fragile peace. "By the conduct of its armed forces, which committed acts of killing, torture and other forms of inhumane treatment of the Congolese civilian population ... [Uganda] violated its obligations under international human rights law," Shi Jiuyong, president of the 17-member court based at The Hague, said in the judgment. It said Ugandan forces deployed child soldiers, stirred ethnic tension and stole natural resources. The ruling is final. Kinshasa is to seek legal redress from Rwanda as well even though the government in Kigali did not recognise the court A UN report in 2001 found that Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda intervened to secure their borders but later the plunder of resources became a reason to stay. Yesterday's decision was a further blow to Mr Museveni, 62, whose main rival, Kizza Besigye, 49, appeared in court yesterday to be charged with treason and rape. Mr Besigye pleaded not guilty, claiming that the charges were politically motivated. Sweden froze $5.1m in aid on Sunday because of Mr Museveni's behaviour. Britain, the Netherlands, Norway and Ireland have already frozen some of their aid. The president is also under pressure about the humanitarian toll in northern Uganda, where his forces have fought the Lord's Resistance Army for two decades.

An Old article but am just doing the re-share of it just to bring back the Memories and to inform those who were either Absent or Young by that time. It was not the first and last time since Uganda has been sought in Plundering the Resources of The Democratic Republic of Congo. Uganda which is still under a military dictatorship, has continued to manipulate its Neighboring Countries and Western Countries into believing him as a "Peace" maker, which in fact, is a war monger who only exaggerates wars, in a tactics to suit his Selfish goals of  Stealing the minerals and resources of such Countries. Let me spare these Angry Words and i will publish them afresh later on. NB: All my daily Readers and Followers perfectly know, This is not my Handwriting!. If i am not the Authentic Author of an Article, i could these captions in them. I repeat again, i am neither an Admin nor Editor to their Website & i have never written any of their Articles. Authentically published by #...

An exclusive Intel to have Our JM Kennedy arrested for the newly released song `Ale yellow Kuu (We do not want Yellow)`. The song is available on Whatsapp number +243810842056 But let them try to silence dissidents. Core Rotten Government. Let's all rise up to defend this gross harassment and human rights violations of our People. I stand with JM Kennedy and i aspire to say; We come from all places of societies and all walks of Life. We come from all Races, Countries and Tribes. We are many, we are your neighbors. We are guys on the streets and we are your co-workers. We will use all the means at our avail, to have Human Rights respected.

An exclusive Intel to have Our JM Kennedy arrested for the newly released song "Ale yellow Kuu (We don't want Yellow)". The song is available on Whatsapp number +243810842056 But let them try to silence dissidents. Core Rotten Government. Let's all rise up to defend this gross harassment and human rights violations of our People. I stand with JM Kennedy and i aspire to say; We come from all places of societies and all walks of Life. We come from all Races, Countries and Tribes. We are many, we are your neighbors. We are guys on the streets and we are your co-workers. We will use all the means at our avail, to have Human Rights respected.



I FOUGHT FOR THE RIGHT OF SO MANY PEOPLE, AND I WILL NEVER GET TIRED TO FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT OF MY PEOPLE TOO! NO MATTER THEIR HATRED AND TARGET OF ME. This piece was written on 14 May 2017. here we gooooooo .................................................................................................................................... THE NEPOTISM OF MY PEOPLE IN REFUGEE CAMPS IN WEST NILE REGION. A dinosaur minister #Hillery_Oneck thinks he is very much more wise to block MPS from westnile region, from fronting their grievances of their people being marginalized in cases of employment opportunity in refugee camps!!! Should any injustice happen with dimwit minister Hillary Oneck, he should also cry for God to come to his rescue as he left people from westnile to cry to God. Must also the locals in refugee settlement areas strike again for being segregated on employment opportunities, this nepotism government should partly be blamed for the menace. Because a cock can not go and crow on the land of another cock. ***** Of the 100% employed people in refugee camps in west nile, 70% are brought from Kampala while the small employment percentage 30% is, of people from westnile can you imagine. *****Government of Uganda gives lands to refugees and $220 each refugee in order to start new life while citizens are kicked off their land and some mothers are left to sell their bodies for pawpaws. Some of the refugees are much better off than the citizens. I KNOW, I AM IN THE HIT LIST FOR CALLING "A SPADE, A SPADE". BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, YOUR HATE OF ME WILL BE YOUR NIGHTMARE AND YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME OR EVEN PUT FOOD ON MY DINNING TABLE. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I FOUGHT FOR THE RIGHT OF SO MANY PEOPLE, AND I WILL NEVER GET TIRED TO FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT OF MY PEOPLE TOO! NO MATTER THEIR HATRED AND TARGET OF ME. This piece was written on 14 May 2017. here we gooooooo .................................................................................................................................... THE NEPOTISM OF MY PEOPLE IN REFUGEE CAMPS IN WEST NILE REGION. A dinosaur minister #Hillery_Oneck thinks he is very much more wise to block MPS from westnile region, from fronting their grievances of their people  being marginalized in cases of employment opportunity in refugee camps!!! Should any injustice happen with dimwit minister Hillary Oneck, he should also cry for God to come to his rescue as he left people from westnile to cry to God. Must also the locals in refugee settlement areas strike again for being segregated on employment opportunities, this nepotism government should partly be blamed for the menace. Because a cock can n...

THE POLITICS OF ARUA!, PART 1 BY OSUTA YUSUF. Love me or hate me, i don't pay damn as long as no political party there in Uganda pays me neither an Activism NGO organization nor any Politician. Selfishness, Religion, Tribalism & Greed is killing the Politics there in Arua but not Political Parties. 1.For us we are Christians! 2.For us we are Moslems! 3.For us we are Lugbara Aringa! 4.For us we are Lugbara Maracha! 5.For us we are Lugbara Terego! 6.For us we are Lugbara Ayivu! 7.Despite the fact of having the same political party Factions, they say, For us we are relatives of the Political Aspirant and over their Selfishness and Greed, let's be the only team in the Campaign task force / Campaign agents so as to be the only beneficiaries!. Where in the World, has a Religion / Greed/ Tribe delivered someone to salvation in the Political Post?. What an illiterate idiots in the Political Arena. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

Selfishness, Religion, Tribalism & Greed is killing the Politics there in Arua but not Political Parties. 1.For us we are Christians! 2.For us we are Moslems! 3.For us we are Lugbara Aringa! 4.For us we are Lugbara Maracha! 5.For us we are Lugbara Terego! 6.For us we are Lugbara Ayivu! 7.Despite the fact of having the same political party Factions, they say, For us we are relatives of the Political Aspirant and over their Selfishness and Greed, let's be the only team in the Campaign task force / Campaign agents so as to be the only beneficiaries!. Where in the World, has a Religion / Greed/ Tribe delivered someone to salvation in the Political Post?. What an illiterate idiots in the Political Arena.

MR MUSEVENI SHOOTS HIMSELF ON THE LEG, BY TAXING INTERNET USERS IN UGANDA HOPING TO RAISE EXTRA MONEY, INSTEAD UGANDANS EVADE IT VIA VPN. Dear Ugandans and the World at large, i am obliged to write this after a critical analysis. The World knows what is currently trending in Uganda. 1.The Over the top tax OTT (Social Media Tax) which is 0.5$ per day and 2$ per month on each Social Media users there in Uganda. 2.Mobile Money Tax 1%. 3.Insecurity matters, Kidnaps, Murders...!. 4.The death of Justice Temple in Uganda. 5.And so on etc etc etc. Perhaps for now, i will only discuss with you about the 1.Social Media Tax and, 2.Mobile Money Tax. I may be misunderstood by others, as a Critique of Government, to which is somehow a bold truth but just take me the way you Judge me, as long as i am who i am and someone's hateful opinion of me will not put food on my dinning table and will never do anything to. Hate me or Love me, i don't care! BURN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Luther King Once said, Our Lives begin to end the day we keep quite on issues that matter. 1.Social Media Tax Levied on each Internet users in Uganda is $2 per month. First forward, let's have a deep look into what was pressurizing the OTT tax. Dictator museveni 32 year old military reign being aware of the fact that, majority of the Ugandans hate his Government not because of him but because of the way he mercilessly keeps on ruling Uganda over grudges while he continues to change goal posts in a manner to fit his stale goal scoring. Not only Ugandans are tired, Foreign countries are too irritated of the disservice been done in Uganda by Mr Museveni administration. An institution or a Country which is infiltrated by Cronies and Radical Extremists will obstruct #Freedom_Of_Speech, #Media_Freedom and #Freedom_After_Speech! And Uganda leads as an exemplary in Curtailing Freedom of Speech, Media Freedom and Freedom After Speech. The Medias (TVs, Newspapers and Radio stations) in Uganda are all gaged. They are given orders on which articles to publish / broadcast and which ones not to share about Government. When a media, broadcasts or publishes an article that seems to expose the Weaknesses and Loopholes in Government, the next day, expect the Editors to be summoned or the whole media company summoned. #Red_Pepper_Ug bares my foot on this. This is a vast Infringement on the Medias operating in Uganda. All these been to the "Know" of the World, Various individuals, Human Rights Activists, Political Activists, Various NGO's and many more other groups of people have opted to use the Internet as the Platform to Air out their grievances, the injustices in Uganda, the Nepotism, the unemployments, the murder scandals, the corruption scandals in Uganda, the Kidnaps, the harshty economy, the oppressed and so on. Since Internet providers Guarantee full Freedom of Speech, Safety / Privacy Protection online and Freedom After Speech, this has risen as a threat to Mr Museveni undemocratic administration and mismanagement of Uganda. As a fact, which the NRM Junta propagandists and supporters breath to deny, majority of Ugandans on Internet are Opposition. The Social Media in Uganda is awash with Audios, Articles and Video posts against the Government of Uganda. In spite of all these harboring sleepless nights for Museveni, he wrongly made a decision to tax all Ugandan Internet users, which, in my fact-checker, was aimed at only blackmailing and blocking Human Rights and Opposition Activists who were much exposing him and his defunct Government system. While before Parliament on March 2018, Mr Museveni said, There should be a small tax added on Internet users in Uganda, because, the Opposition Activists use the Internet to Spread / Tell Lies against the Government and to Incite violence and to threaten the Government. After him uttering those unprofessional babbles, he later on wrote to Finance minister #Matia_Kasaija, to implement the remarks he made before Parliament. On June 2018, the matter was tabled for Consideration and to be debated before Parliament. Among the topics submitted on the order paper, to be debated before the Parliament were, #OTT tax and #MM tax. Here is why i usually call the Uganda Parliament a mere #Rubber_Stamp and will not be used to bring new Government in Uganda. During the plenary proceedings about these two controversial motions tabled to be debated, out of the over 50 Opposition MPs in the tenth Parliament of Uganda, only less than 10 opposition MPs rose up to defend the big chunk of Poor Ugandans, by opposing the proposed bills that seek to humiliate Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Information and the majority poor population of Ugandans who use Mobile Money. According to the Record from #Hansard, which i secured, Some of the Opposition MPs were siding to support this destructive bill, especially, the #Aruu_County member of Parliament #Odonga_Otto who affirmed support for Museveni, during the plenary sessions, that, "Research which has been done by a university student, shows that, people use Whatsapp only during Working days and in many cases, during Working hours. You walk to every office, one after another and the staff are even stealing office hours to enjoy private chats on Whatsapp. I did economics at the university, mind you, (Laughter), Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook are ostentatious commodities. They are almost like perfume. The ordinary man in the village cab do without it. (Applause). We are looking for a certain category of people who do not mind about the she 200. Personally, i do not mind because i need Whatsapp. It is a Tax, which is targeting the elites - those who are ostentatious. It doesn't affect the ordinary man in the village. That is the information i wanted to give. (Applause)" - ODONGA OTTO. At last, the bill was successfully passed!, Which effected on Sunday 1 July 2018. The whole country was shutdown from browsing Internet while high taxes on other things were effected too, with the Mobile Money transaction being the most hiked up. The Government's ambition of streamlining criticism was bashed when Ugandans resorted to using Virtual Private Network (VPN) to evade the new tax levied on Social Media. However, Ugandans aren't only using the VPNs to evade the tax but in protest of the OTT tax. Then Coming to this extravagantly new tax imposed on Mobile Money, the bank of the poor. As obviously denied bitter truth, 80% of Ugandans are poor! The poor may not afford a Bank, which has so many complex conditions threatening them, with an intent in mind about the little money they may posses. People are not denying to pay tax, As some of the MPs ought to portray of them. They have been paying taxes since the existence of "UGANDA REVENUE AUTHORITY" in 1997. It is an obligation of everyone in any country but shouldn't be an ambiguity. For an instance, 1. #PAYE tax, which deducts 10% of the salary of Citizens earning below 400000/- and deducts over 30% of those who earn over 410000/- salary. 2. #VAT tax, this one has no escape root for anyone. Uganda is gifted by nature but only cursed by greed. Leave aside, Donor fundings, Uganda has the capability to fund most of its projects! But unfortunately, Uganda Government has so far so many thieves and most of these people stealing money are Relatives, Close associates, Friends and In-laws of Mr Museveni and close friends and relatives of his Family. Uganda Government has untouchable thieves, just like a report on June 2018 by #IGG has stated. These people looting tax payer's money are under the shield protection of Mr Museveni. Frankly speaking, this new tax levied on Mobile Money is targeting the poor people hence they are the majority of the subscribers and users of Mobile Money service. Mobile Money service was invented in 2009, by the South African based leading Telecom Company MTN. The service has been all along growing huge subscribers with currently about 10 million valid users and with a transaction record of over $50000 daily. Mobile Money service confines its subscriber to Send, Save and Withdraw money at anytime with convenience. Implying there is a force behind, the whole World watched on the TV, One of the MPs boasting to the most high God, about the New Taxes. The Member Parliament for #Bunyole_West, Honorable #James_Waluswaka is on record for saying "If you don't want to pay Tax, you just die". One wonders, What magic is behind such arrogance exhibited on TV? One has to ask, "Aren't some of our leaders Vampires"?. This brings a question in mind, Who are our representatives there in Parliament. It isn't about NRM MPs are many and Opposition MPs are few. It is not about the numbers. No change of Government nor standard of living will never be archived through Parliament, as long as Mr Museveni is still forcefully imposing himself on to Ugandans. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN  BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

Dear Ugandans and the World at large, i am obliged to write this after a critical analysis. The World knows what is currently trending in Uganda. 1.The Over the top tax OTT (Social Media Tax) which is 0.5$ per day and 2$ per month on each Social Media users there in Uganda. 2.Mobile Money Tax 1%. 3.Insecurity matters, Kidnaps, Murders...!. 4.The death of Justice Temple in Uganda. 5.And so on etc etc etc. Perhaps for now, i will only discuss with you about the 1.Social Media Tax and, 2.Mobile Money Tax. I may be misunderstood by others, as a Critique of Government, to which is somehow a bold truth but just take me the way you Judge me, as long as i am who i am and someone's hateful opinion of me will not put food on my dinning table and will never do anything to. Hate me or Love me, i don't care! BURN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

I WROTE THIS PIECE ON 7 JULY 2017 AT A MOMENT, PEOPLE AT OKOKORO TRADING CENTER - MARACHA DISTRICT WERE WALLOWING REBUKES BLAMING MP-ELECT HON DENIS LEE OF BEING THE MASTERMIND OF #NICOTINIC_DRUG_ACT PASSED IN PARLIAMENT LAST YEAR. The fact is, the bill was tabled and debated before Parliament, in 2014 / 2015 during former Maracha Cattle Slaughter MP Alex Onzima's hatred and segregation reign. Because most of my people are uninformed, they awkwardly blamed Hon Oguzu Denis Lee!. But thank God for my Existence. I refurbished off this undemocratically dwarf and reputation damaging gossip. *********************************************************************************************************** MOCKERY FROM UGANDA GOVERNMENT. BLINDLY ACCUSING MARACHA CHILDREN BOYCOTTING SCHOOLS OVER DRUGS, IS NOT ONLY DEFAMATION BUT IT ALSO DESTROYS OUR REPUTATION!!!!! AND YOU CAN NOT ADMINISTER INJECTION WITHOUT KNOWING THE DISEASE AND ITS CAUSE. DICTATOR MUSEVENI FAMILY IS A BUNCH OF SCHOOL DROPOUTS!, IF YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL, DEFINITELY YOU FOLLOW THEIR PATH. MOST PARENTS IN MARACHA ARE IGNORANT AND POOR. They do not know why our education system is despotic. They also do not know if our teaching curriculum has been changed. Ugandan government laughs when people are illiterate. An uneducated population is easy to manipulate for dubious political missions while they clap hands for you. You can as well get me arrested for saying "Museveni greedy government is behind failure of education in most rural schools". Stupid government. .................................................................................................................................... Maracha children leave school to sell drugs By Vision Reporter Added 15th October 2013 12:19 PM. Children as young as eight years old forego school to go and pick mairungi leaves from gardens to get money.They are paid about sh1, 000 for what they call “cutting charge” for mairungi harvested. This practice has brought down school attendance to low levels and increased late school arrival. By Richard Drasimaku Children as young as eight years old forego school to go and pick mairungi leaves from gardens to get money. They are paid about sh1, 000 for what they call “cutting charge” for mairungi harvested. This practice has brought down school attendance to low levels and increased late school arrival. The worst hit schools are in Kijomoro sub-county, Maracha district where Okokoro trading centre infamously nicknamed the mairungi capital city is located. Lamila parish in the same sub-county is nicknamed the “world trading centre” for mairungi. Middlemen on motorcycles and taxis head to these trading centres between 8:00am and 10:00am to purchase the narcotic leaves. They buy it from a set of agents, mainly women, who buy it directly from the farmers. The cyclists and taxi operators then distribute the mairungi to numerous trading centres along the Arua-Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo- Adjumani road. Others proceed to Elegu, Nimule or Oraba and Yei in South Sudan, while the most audacious traders board buses to distant areas to market it. The Kijomoro LC3 chairman, Yuda Bileti, said the last time they inspected schools, they found only 150 pupils at Oriba Primary School out of 1,047 who enrolled at the beginning of the year. The district education officer, Flavia Osoa, said attendance in other schools in Maracha is not any better, adding that some children even chew the mairungi. She said because the pupils and their parents feel mairungi generates more money, the emphasis on education has also gone down. The negative impact of mairungi on the population, however, goes beyond education as idle youths roam in trading centres chewing the toxic leaves. “It renders them non-productive while taking a toll on their health,” said Dr. Alex Adaku, the in-charge of Arua Hospital psychiatry department. He disclosed that substance abuse including mairungi, constitutes 26% of all cases of mental illness received at the hospital, which is 21% increment since the unit was launched in 2010. In other hospitals such as Moyo and Adjumani where no such units exist, patients with mental illness are admitted together with other patients in the general wards. Local leaders complain that they would want to fight off mairungi production but there is no law to back them up since mairungi is not illegal under Ugandan laws. Bileti said some people even prefer to reserve their gardens for growing mairungi as a cash crop, ignoring crops like cassava, groundnuts, mangoes and onions. One day, one time this pathetic regime will regret, why they had made a mistake to extremely abuse people from westnile like this. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA MAA MVAA #OSUTA_YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I WROTE THIS PIECE ON 7 JULY 2017 AT A MOMENT, PEOPLE AT OKOKORO TRADING CENTER - MARACHA DISTRICT WERE WALLOWING REBUKES BLAMING MP-ELECT HON DENIS LEE OF BEING THE MASTERMIND OF #NICOTINIC_DRUG_ACT PASSED IN PARLIAMENT LAST YEAR. The fact is, the bill was tabled and debated before Parliament, in 2014 / 2015 during former Maracha Cattle Slaughter MP Alex Onzima's hatred and segregation reign. Because most of my people are uninformed, they awkwardly blamed Hon Oguzu Denis Lee!. But thank God for my Existence. I refurbished off this undemocratically dwarf and reputation damaging gossip. *********************************************************************************************************** MOCKERY FROM UGANDA GOVERNMENT. BLINDLY ACCUSING MARACHA CHILDREN BOYCOTTING SCHOOLS OVER DRUGS, IS NOT ONLY DEFAMATION BUT IT ALSO DESTROYS OUR REPUTATION!!!!! AND YOU CAN NOT ADMINISTER INJECTION WITHOUT KNOWING THE DISEASE AND ITS CAUSE. DICTATOR MUSEVENI FAMILY IS A BUNCH OF SCHOOL...





I HAVE NO IDEA, IF SOME OF THESE SO CALLED MINISTERS WENT TO SCHOOL. I wrote this on 4 July 2017. The current regime of terror does not differ between; 1.What are government assets  &  2.What are private assets. That is the same reason why corruption scandals are not ending in Uganda. You loot, knowing the public does not have a knowledge of, whose wealth you are stealing. Look at Uganda from 1971 to 1979* Government owned assets were valued and registered including those in diaspora and abroad. The corrupt were punished to the maximum. To the opposite direction, look at Uganda from 1986 to date* Economy buried. Government assets no where to be seen. The corrupt who steal millions of millions are left to walk free like astray goat in the dry season.

I HAVE NO IDEA, IF SOME OF THESE SO CALLED MINISTERS WENT TO SCHOOL. I wrote this on 4 July 2017. The current regime of terror does not differ between; 1.What are government assets  &  2.What are private assets. That is the same reason why corruption scandals are not ending in Uganda. You loot, knowing the public does not have a knowledge of, whose wealth you are stealing. Look at Uganda from 1971 to 1979* Government owned assets were valued and registered including those in diaspora and abroad. The corrupt were punished to the maximum. To the opposite direction, look at Uganda from 1986 to date* Economy buried. Government assets no where to be seen. The corrupt who steal millions of millions are left to walk free like astray goat in the dry season.

ANDREW MWENDA THE SUCKER OF JOURNALIST AND BOOT LEAKER OF MUSEVENI. This is Copied. All my daily Followers and Readers are aware that, these are not my own words and my handwriting. I repeat again, this is copied and this has never been my handwriting. **************************************************************************************************************************************** Author unknown. I got this off a WhatsApp group. This creative writing is hillarious. Here the anonymous author goes, “Have you recently done something ridiculous and you are looking for a cover up? Have you stolen public funds and you need ways to justify it? Have you gone against the citizens of your country and they are up in arms against you? Have you rigged elections in broad day light and you need help showing that you actually won with a landslide? Have you impoverished your people but you need help convincing them that they are actually very wealthy? Have you tortured and brutalized your people and you are looking for ways to tell the world that those guys had weapons of mass destruction and if you didn't torture them the sky would come down? Have you lied and changed rules of the game mid-way but you feel ashamed to come off as a liar? Do you need help around this? Have you miserably failed in your job but want help so you are projected as the most hardworking citizen? Do you want to force a ridiculous tax on social media to restrict your citizens' expression and clamp down on dissent? Have you seen your hardworking citizens fall in love with mobile money and you are like- 'hell no, I want a share of this,' but want to come off as someone who deeply cares for your people? Are you worried of any potential backlash? Don't you worry. At Andrew Mwenda & Co. we offer image cleaning professional services! At a small fee we clean your image. We justify whatever wrong you have done or plan to do. Even if you did it by mistake, count on us to justify it with our life. We use statistics. We use numbers. We use grammar. We confuse. We blackmail. We argue. We intimidate. We are Andrew Mwenda & Co. We use words to turn all your evils into the most saintly acts. Hire us and leave the rest to us!”

ANDREW MWENDA THE SUCKER OF JOURNALIST AND BOOT LEAKER OF MUSEVENI. This is Copied. All my daily Followers and Readers are aware that, these are not my own words and my handwriting. I repeat again, this is copied and this has never been my handwriting. **************************************************************************************************************************************** Author unknown. I got this off a WhatsApp group. This creative writing is hillarious. Here the anonymous author goes, “Have you recently done something ridiculous and you are looking for a cover up? Have you stolen public funds and you need ways to justify it? Have you gone against the citizens of your country and they are up in arms against you? Have you rigged elections in broad day light and you need help showing that you actually won with a landslide? Have you impoverished your people but you need help convincing them that they are actually very wealthy? Have you tortured and brutalized yo...





MUSIC. Body & Soul by ORITSE FEMI.Apart from Activism, am also One of the online music promoters.


UGANDA COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION HAS SAID, THEY HAVE ORDERED TELECOM COMMUNICATION COMPANIES IN UGANDA TO BLOCK USE OF `VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK' (VPN) THAT AIDS UGANDANS IN EVADING NEW TAX LEVIED ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Uganda Communications Commission Executive Director, Godfrey Mutabazi has said that telecommunication companies will block Virtual Private Networks (VPN) applications that are aiding Ugandans to evade social media tax. The Uganda shilling 200 per day Over The Top (OTT) commonly known as social media tax took effect last night at the start of the 2018/2019 financial year. The tax has triggered uproar from Ugandans – some have grudgingly paid it – while others are chest thumping for evading it to access social sites using VPNs applications. VPN enables internet users to use data bought from Uganda telecom companies but hide their Internet Protocol (IP). The IP addresses are distributed geographically and can be used to identify internet users’ location. People with VPN unblocked their social media sites without paying tax. Mutabazi told this publication that telecom companies promised and are already blocking VPNs. But he added that there are many VPNs, admitting that not all of them can be blocked. Mutabazi further argued that those who are going for VPNs instead of paying the social media tax are taking an unwise decision. He said VPNs consume more data than the Uganda shilling 200 that is paid as social media tax. Mutabazi said Ugandans should pay the tax instead of going for VPNs. “It’s a government decision it’s not a UCC decision. People should pay tax. It’s a law, if the government says pay tax, you should pay,” he said. On Thursday telecom companies notified customers that they would be required to pay 200 shillings per day, 1,400 for a week or 6,000 for a month to access social media lest they would be blocked. When contacted for comment on blocking VPNs, MTN Uganda spokesperson Val Okecho had no immediate comment. However, he promised to consult and call back. A constitutional petition challenging the tax is expected to be filed in court tomorrow.

Uganda Communications Commission Executive Director, Godfrey Mutabazi has said that telecommunication companies will block Virtual Private Networks (VPN) applications that are aiding Ugandans to evade social media tax. The Uganda shilling 200 per day Over The Top (OTT) commonly known as social media tax took effect last night at the start of the 2018/2019 financial year. The tax has triggered uproar from Ugandans – some have grudgingly paid it – while others are chest thumping for evading it to access social sites using VPNs applications. VPN enables internet users to use data bought from Uganda telecom companies but hide their Internet Protocol (IP). The IP addresses are distributed geographically and can be used to identify internet users’ location. People with VPN unblocked their social media sites without paying tax. Mutabazi told this publication that telecom companies promised and are already blocking VPNs. But he added that there are many VPNs, admitting tha...

UGANDA GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN SOCIAL MEDIA. Sunday 1 July 2018. The government of Yoweri Museveni who has been in power for 33 years is facing a revolution similar to Arab Spring that showed many dictators the exit out of office. The people of Uganda have suffered under Museveni government for the break down of services. Many Ugandans started pouring their frustrations on social media’s calling for the removal of Museveni. The international community has been hipping praises on dictator Museveni and the world Bank and IMF have been giving false economic growth rates for the regime in Kampala oblivious of the people’s sufferings. The current exchange rate of a dollar to a shilling is $1 to 4000shs. The government starting July 1st, 2018 has levied $0.90 daily tax on the Internet thus making it impossible for the citizens to access the Internet. Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world and putting internet tax on the people, will further isolate the country from accessing international news and also the tax will impact businesses that rely on internet. Ugandans are trying to fight the taxes by accessing other internet providers such a VPN that made it possible for the Ethiopians to access the Internet, after the Internet was blocked in that country.

UGANDA GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN SOCIAL MEDIA. Sunday 1 July 2018. The government of Yoweri Museveni who has been in power for 33 years is facing a revolution similar to Arab Spring that showed many dictators the exit out of office. The people of Uganda have suffered under Museveni government for the break down of services. Many Ugandans started pouring their frustrations on social media’s calling for the removal of Museveni. The international community has been hipping praises on dictator Museveni and the world Bank and IMF have been giving false economic growth rates for the regime in Kampala oblivious of the people’s sufferings. The current exchange rate of a dollar to a shilling is $1 to 4000shs. The government starting July 1st, 2018 has levied $0.90 daily tax on the Internet thus making it impossible for the citizens to access the Internet. Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world and putting internet tax on the people, will further isolate the country from ...