TO THE DESPERATE YOUTH AND MY PEOPLE OF ARUA AND UGANDA. I have chosen to write this phrase for everyone to see what is right and has to be done. As the Political atmosphere gains momentum ahead of Arua Municipality by-election, here are some of the concerning facts which i wish all of you to know. A few moments ago, i have camped here in +256 Arua just to assess and analyze. There are 12 Candidates contesting for the Parliamentary seat of Arua Municipality, out of which, Some of them have been in Parliament before. According to media reportage, i have seen some of them Campaigning, "Vote for me!!! Because Uganda Parliament needs people who are Tough Talking and Argumentative like me". To be frank, some of these Candidates have been in the Parliament and most of the currently unjust Laws were tabled, debated and enacted during their term. 1. Public Order Management Act (POMA) - this law which bans Activists from organizing Consultative Meetings. 2. The Antibiotics drug Act - this law that bars Ordinary people from Growing and Selling of Drug Cash crops like Mirungi, Cigarette, Opium and etc etc as sauce of income. 3. The Antiponigraphy Act - This law bans Women from wearing miniskirts. 4. The Computer misuse Act. 5. The Investment Act and so many other too oppressive laws. Mark me properly, i am not saying all these Laws are bad but i mean, there are some Clauses which are not favorable to the Ordinary People. There for:- You should never be deceived to vote on a merit of so and so is Tough Talking and Argumentative. Some of these people were even there in Parliament while other Ambiguous captions in the Laws of Uganda were validated. What else do they want to go to Parliament again?. My dear People, especially, we as the Youth, if we do not make good use of our brains and senses, we will ever be electing self-centered people, greedy and the worst of it all, the Corrupt, who will only be building their stomachs and accumulating wealth for themselves. In this case, i boldly emerge to declare for you to vote a Corrupt free and not stale talker Mr EJIKU ROBERT, a Candidate who will bring a common good and opportunities to your people. The other role of an MP is to write Laws. Laws are something of National importance and Interests but not locally backing the Ordinary citizen who is grappling with Life. Of course, under this Military Dictatorship reign Regime of Mr Museveni, any law that Oppresses the population but is to the best of his personal gain and Interests, can be tabled, debated and amended at all costs and at anytime too. For an instance, you take; The Age limit Law, The Social Media Tax Law and The Term Limit Law and etc etc. These above Laws are not favoring the Ordinary Citizen and is not to their Interests but these Laws were eventually amended on the Interests of Mr Museveni despite the whole Country going Rebellious and rejecting the enactment of these Laws!! instead, the whole Population in the Country was beaten. HERE ARE MY SIMPLE QUESTIONS TO THE SUPPORTERS AND THEIR CANDIDATES WHO ARE OBSESSED WITH BEING "TOUGH TALKER". 1. Who is Candidate manifesting about being Tough Talking and Argumentative?. 2. Is this so Called Candidate, bigger than enough to the extent, not to be bribed? 3. Is this Candidate bigger than the over 100 Opposition MPs who were flogged in Parliament last year over Age Limit debate?. 4. Is this Candidate, not part of the MPs who were paid shillings 5 million each in 2005, to remove the "Term Limit" off the Constitution of Uganda?. Any Candidate who is telling people to vote them so as to go back to Parliament again, should be restrained and regarded as fuddled "Fuddy-duddy". What is Crucial is, what should benefit our People but not enacting laws amid Crisis standard of Living. Law without Liberty would disturb the Integrating Regulatory of Life; it would be mere License masquerading as Liberty, Destroying Virtue, Duty and Honour. I will go into History for enlightening my people by telling them, what is right, has to be right and should be wholeheartedly accepted and what is wrong has to be wrong and should be totally rejected. The people of Arua Municipality, never say i did not tell you MR #EJIKU_ROBERT IS THE ONLY BEST PERSON FOR ARUA MUNICIPALITY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT SEAT. I rest my Case. #THANKS! THE STRUGGLE TO FREE OUR PEOPLE AND NATION CONTINUES.... AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.
I have chosen to write this phrase for everyone to see what is right and has to be done. As the Political atmosphere gains momentum ahead of Arua Municipality by-election, here are some of the concerning facts which i wish all of you to know. A few moments ago, i have camped here in +256 Arua just to assess and analyze. There are 12 Candidates contesting for the Parliamentary seat of Arua Municipality, out of which, Some of them have been in Parliament before. According to media reportage, i have seen some of them Campaigning, "Vote for me!!! Because Uganda Parliament needs people who are Tough Talking and Argumentative like me". To be frank, some of these Candidates have been in the Parliament and most of the currently unjust Laws were tabled, debated and enacted during their term. 1. Public Order Management Act (POMA) - this law which bans Activists from organizing Consultative Meetings. 2. The Antibiotics drug Act - this law that bars Ordinary people from Growing an...