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I just got this one from Martha Leah! I am goofing off my ribs. "Museveni's attacked # DRCongo to get International community to donate for
# Refugees @UN @KenRoth @UNHCR @JustinTrudeau @Potus @Potus44 @AntonioGuterres # Kasese # Genocide".

On 22nd December 2017, Museveni's army launched a sustained aerial and artillery attack on some border areas of DRC. This followed days of amassing troops along the common border in Bundibugyo district. The bombardment has already generated thousands of Congolese refugees into Uganda. The army Spokesman described the attack as having targeted eight ADF rebel camps in which 100 rebels were killed, several injured and their logistical stores destroyed. He asserted that ".... the UPDF is maintaining active defensive operations along the borderline in Kasese, Bundibugyo and Ntoroko to deter any terrorists from sneaking into our country".
However, the Kampala regime owned New Vision of 25th December 2017 reveals a contradictory state of affairs. According to the LC 1 Chairman of Busangwa Town Council, Kato Cleophas, " the refugees are secretly coming in to settle with their relatives." That information was corroborated by one such Congolese refugee, Jose Kambale who told reporters that he "had secretly crossed like he has always done whenever he comes to visit his relatives." What then can stop the so-called remnants of the ADF from crossing into Uganda!!!
Recently suspected ADF rebels attacked and humiliated the UN peace keeping force based in the same area leaving 14 dead and over 50 injured. According to Museveni's army Spokesman, "The ADF’s recent attack on the UN peace keepers an indictment to its activities not only in Uganda and DRC but also the international community. partners will be mobilized to stop these terrorist activities once and for all." The big puzzle here is that WHY WOULD THE ADF ATTACK UN PEACE KEEPERS??? He added; "The targeted attack on camps harbouring the ADF in DRC was a result of coordinated intelligence between the two countries." Another puzzling question here is that WHY WAS THE UN FORCE IN THE AREA NOT INVOLVED IN THIS SO CALLED "COORDINATED INTELLIGENCE"???
Whatever the case, Museveni's action in the Congo has generated refugees into Uganda who will in turn generate the humanitarian assistance in form of forex from the donor community. Hosting of refugees has of recent become Museveni's key bite for blackmailing the west over his autocracy and attracting refugee aid money. While attention is focused on the Rwenzori sector and North Kivu, in Djungu territory of Ituri region renewed ethnic conflict between the Hema and Gegere is already sending more Congolese refugees into Uganda's Hoima region via Lake Albert. Are we about to see a resumption of a full blown civil strife in eastern DRC!!!!



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