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Showing posts from March, 2019

Burundi Government Bans BBC and VOA on Claims of Peddling Lies.

BBC & VOA has been Suspended in Burundi. Burundi’s National Media Council has suspended FM radio broadcasts of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Voice of America (VOA), saying the foreign media houses were peddling lies in their coverage of the country.  The media council chairman, Nestor Bankumukunzi said BBC and VOA had violated principles of balanced journalism and verification of information provided by sources.  BBC was faulted for airing a television documentary alleging security services were running a string of secret torture chambers to crush opposition’s spirit.  Bujumbura dismissed the story as false.  Bankumukunzi was quoted as saying BBC had already recognized their mistake but later went ahead to broadcast a film whose content he said was “false, slanderous and full of fabrications”. He also indicated that the documentary violated laws that govern the media in Burundi. Burundi authorities also suspended VOA on...

There is Nothing Powerful than God. Our Creator always Helps and Rescues the Righteous.

Bizarre dust and rain cloud forms a barrier between ISIS and Israel .  A huge cloud of dust and rain blew up along the border between Israel and ISIS last week, sparking online claims that it was a biblical storm. Four days after ISIS fighters attacked an Israeli patrol in the Golan Heights, a plateau in Syria which the Jewish state has occupied since 1967, the bizarre meteorological phenomenon suddenly appeared.  Eyewitnesses said the storm seemed to stop at the boundary and be unable to enter the Golan Heights, which tower above the rest of Syria. Huge cloud of dust appears on the Syria and Israel border. Footage of the dust barrier was uploaded onto Facebook by  Israel Online News. They wrote: 'A weather phenomenon occurred at 8am Thursday on the other side of the Syrian border, in the same place where ISIS attacked Israel. This strange storm of what appears to be dust, cloud and rain did NOT cross the border fence into Israel. It sat like a barrier...

Roles of Members of Parliament Of Republic of Uganda.

91. Exercise of legislative powers. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the power of Parliament to make laws shall be exercised through bills passed by Parliament and assented to by the President. (2) A bill passed by Parliament shall, as soon as possible, be presented to the President for assent. (3) The President shall, within thirty days after a bill is presented to him or her— (a) assent to the bill; (b) return the bill to Parliament with a request that the bill or a particular provision of it be reconsidered by Parliament; or (c) notify the Speaker in writing that he or she refuses to assent to the bill. (4) Where a bill has been returned to Parliament under clause (3)(b) of this article, Parliament shall reconsider it and if passed again, it shall be presented for a second time to the President for assent. (5) Where the President returns the same bill twice under clause (3)(b) of this article and the bill is passed for the third time, with the sup...

Bobi Wine`s Kamwokya Buildings to be Demolished.

KAMPALA –  Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine could lose his building located in Kamwokya, a city suburb, after a company claimed that he illegally acquired the land on which the structure sits. Ms. Pearl Hope Investments Limited through his lawyers of Lubega, Matovu and Company advocates has written to Bobi Wine, ordering him to demolish his Ssemakokiro Plaza within seven days, alleging that he bought the land without the consent of the original land owner. In a letter dated March 11, Pearl Hope Investments Ltd also wants 400 residents occupying Block 213 Plots 20-78 evicted, saying they acquired the 24-acre piece of land wrongfully. The land covers Mulimira, Kisenyi and Old Kiira Road zones. “You went ahead and demolished the old premises thereon. You erected Ssemakokiro Plaza on the land wherein you have your recording studios and other activities. As you may appreciate, you are purely a trespasser on our client’s land, our client on purely...

Know the Law and Your Rights. Article 20 to article 24 under Chapter Four of the 1995 Constitution of Uganda.

Protection and promotion of fundamental and other human rights and freedoms. General. 20. Fundamental and other human rights and freedoms. (1) Fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual are inherent and not granted by the State. (2) The rights and freedoms of the individual and groups enshrined in this Chapter shall be respected, upheld and promoted by all organs and agencies of Government and by all persons. 21. Equality and freedom from discrimination. (1) All persons are equal before and under the law in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life and in every other respect and shall enjoy equal protection of the law. (2) Without prejudice to clause (1) of this article, a person shall not be discriminated against on the ground of sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, tribe, birth, creed or religion, social or economic standing, political opinion or disability. (3) For the purposes of this article, “discriminate” means to give different treatment t...

Life is Meaningless.

Whoever Reads this article will regret why they were created on this Earth and you will Scream like a Chick, being stepped on to it. 1  These are the words of the Philosopher, David's son, who was king in Jerusalem. 2  It is useless, useless, said the Philosopher. Life is useless, all useless.  3  You spend your life working, laboring, and what do you have to show for it?  4  Generations come and generations go, but the world stays just the same.  5  The sun still rises, and it still goes down, going wearily back to where it must start all over again.  6  The wind blows south, the wind blows north—round and round and back again.  7  Every river flows into the sea, but the sea is not yet full. The water returns to where the rivers began, and starts all over again.  8  Everything leads to weariness—a weariness too great for words. Our eyes can never see enough to be satisfied; our ears can never hea...